What would you do - In this situation - Printable Version

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- Metalfan - 08-22-2002

So, I'm on my commute home, resting and minding my own business, when the tool in the seat next to me, who is sleeping....does the lean over into me and onto my shoulder. Asswipe in question does this not once, but twice. I politely moved his heading hoping he'd get a fucking clue. If you were in this situation.....what solution would you choose?

- Ken'sPen - 08-22-2002

I voted for fuck with their minds, cause you didn't say if he was cute or not.
I used to ride the eastern corridor on Jersey Transit..
There was a fucking blind guy who rode the train, who was annoying as Hell. he was loud and obnoxious and a pain in the ass. HE HAD to sit next to people and talk.... He would bang the seats to see if someone was in them for him to sit and talk with. When he entered the car everyone would stop talking, hold their breath and try not to make a sound till he passed by.....

fucking hated that guy.

- DGW - 08-22-2002

teabag em

- Luna - 08-22-2002

I'd give him a good shove. :burnfucker:

- Kid Afrika - 08-22-2002

I would get up, and when doing so, slam their head down on the seat in one motion. That'd teach 'em.

- Spitfire - 08-22-2002

Elbow the shit out of him, he'll move. I've done it before and it works

- virgingrrl - 08-22-2002

scream in his ear the next time he does it. make the fucker go deaf.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-22-2002

Lick his ear and grab his crotch...when he freaks out tell him you thought he was hitting on you and that you like to be the catcher.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Chew up a piece of gum or find an already chewed piece and put it in his hair.

Also, though not as effective, picking your nose and wiping it on him can be funny.

- Buttmunch - 08-22-2002

I used to pretend to go to sleep and lean on pretty women when I road the LIRR.

Now, I don't let people sit next to me.

But, fucking with their minds is always my favorite.

- Hey Ladi - 08-22-2002

I'd probably just move. :thumbs-up:
It's weird enough riding the subway without having to touch anyone. Everyone just seems to pretend no one else is there. No looking, no talking, and you wedge into those little seats & try not to bump shoulders.

- SYNTuesday - 08-22-2002

One time this guy was leaning on me HEAVY. I was getting off at the next stop and I was just WAITING for the chance to stand up in a quick forward motion so that he falls and slaps his head against the plastic. Unfortunately, neither I nor the lady in front of me could contain our amusement about the situation, and the laughing woke him up. On the bright side he realized why we were laughing, and was pretty fucking embarassed. Wall St. suit-type too. :lol:

- Arthur Dent - 08-22-2002

First time I'm polite and gently puch 'em off.
Second time it's "Wake up, I ain't your pillow" with a shove.

Not as bad as the horny old gay guy who used to ride the train I took home from college. Liked to get on really crowded trains and rub up against college boys. Never let him get near me. Saw him get his ass kicked twice. looked like he enjoyed it. Sick fuck.

- GonzoStyle - 08-22-2002

put your head on top of his.

- Danked - 08-22-2002

Introduce yourself as "Gonzostlye" and give him your new AIM name.

- Galt - 08-22-2002

vomit on him.

- Danked - 08-22-2002

I like that bit from the early SNL days where you just stick out your picking finger and slowly creep toward his nose till he notices.

- Metalfan - 08-22-2002

One problem with that Danked.....he was asleep :crackhead:

- Danked - 08-22-2002

Sounds ripe for the pickin'.

- GonzoStyle - 08-22-2002

I'd have fucked him.