What's worse? - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

Obviously, I am somewhat of a "fan" of Opie & Anthony, as many of us are. I find it funny though that some people would say that fans of a radio show are losers.

Is it any worse than being a fan of wrestling, or sports? I mean, enjoying a radio show can't be half as bad as trying to follow the plot of wrestling or painting your face for a game.

I'll leave alone the "our team" guy, this time. Instead, I'll pick on the guy that buys team memorabilia and paraphenila(sp?). I listen to a free radio show, you spend money on crap to promote a company from which you receive no benefit. :lol:

Sports fans, radio fans, wrestling fans, computer nerds... we're all a pretty sad lot, wouldn't you say?

- Jack - 08-23-2002


- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-23-2002

:disappointed: Thanks a lot I'm sad because I say "our team" and I listen to the radio....

- Danked - 08-23-2002

My post count is bigger than the both of yours.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-23-2002

Nuh uh...nuh uh....mine is the mostest...I'm even sadder!! :crackhead:

- Danked - 08-23-2002



- Noellevious - 08-23-2002

Rick sent me a WOW tank top a month ago and I have yet to wear it. Dishrag or collector's item?

- Keyser Soze - 08-23-2002

how about wrestling watching, message board posting, radio show fans? thats gotta be like the uberloser, no?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-23-2002


- Danked - 08-23-2002

I used to spend hours copying old Dead and Phish shows to tape. I'm working on transferring it all to cd-r.

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

Danked WINS!!!11

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-23-2002

:bouncer: YAY!

::points and laughs at Danked::

- Danked - 08-23-2002

:disappointed: I like my hobby.

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

Hobby? That's an obsession.

- Danked - 08-23-2002

Leave me alone. I'm going to listen to 8/21/68 at the Fillmore West. That's the one with a killer Dark Star > St. Stephen.

- The Sleeper - 08-23-2002

What about people who remember past details about message boards really well?

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

Are you suggesting that that's the only thing "they" remember really well?

- The Sleeper - 08-23-2002

not necesarilly, but remembering obscure message board details probably means that you spend a lot of time on said message board. And by "you" I mean me

- virgingrrl - 08-23-2002

neither is worse. we are all nice people, that's all that matters.

- onehung - 08-23-2002

Quote:we are all nice people
who's we ?