Hello, friends in christ - A prayer - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 09-08-2002

May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you on this fine Sunday morning. Let the Good Sheppard into your life and lead you to everlasting love. Amen.

- Galt - 09-08-2002

God bless you DIG.

Phil 3:14

- Kid Afrika - 09-08-2002

FUCK YOU GOD!!! :burnfucker: :fuckoff: :burnfucker:

- Galt - 09-08-2002

you're just mad because He referred to you as "beasts that walk" all throughout the bible.

- Kid Afrika - 09-08-2002

No, you're a moron because you believe that a myth is the foundation of everything.

I couldn't care less what a fictional character in a book is purported to have said.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 09-08-2002

::looks up at what Kid said::

Ditto. :thumbs-up:

- Galt - 09-08-2002

Yes, and I've always been so pro-religion here.

Huzzah for the 100% accuracy of the bible!!

- The Sleeper - 09-08-2002

fo sheezy

- diceisgod - 09-09-2002

Nevermind. Fuck Jesus and Andy Reid.

- Kid Afrika - 09-09-2002

Quote:Nevermind. Fuck Jesus and Andy Reid.
[Image: andy%20reid.jpg]
"How did I get dragged into this?" - Li'l Andy Reid

- Buttmunch - 09-09-2002

Salaam Aleikum

- OAS - 09-09-2002

Somebody will be going straight to Hell for this. :burnfucker:

- Kid Afrika - 09-09-2002

Yeah, if there was a Hell. Rolleyes

Do you believe in Santa Claus, too?

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:Do you believe in Santa Claus, too?

Santa Claus is based on a real guy who went around his town to give useful things to poor children.

- Kid Afrika - 09-09-2002


Are you agreeing or disagreeing?

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Quote:Somebody will be going straight to Hell for this

Oh, I think more than one. I bet a bunch of us here aren't going to have to invest in a parka for the afterlife.

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

And I'm just saying every myth is based on something. Usually something far more mundane than the myth.

Like there really was a Trojan War and there probably was a guy named Achilles who fought in it and made a reputation for himself, but he probably wasn't dipped in a magical pool of invincibility as a baby. And Herculese may have really existed and been a really big, strong guy, but he probably didn't actually throw a bull into the sky and create the constellation Torus.

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

Quote:but he probably wasn't dipped in a magical pool of invincibility as a baby.
ya think?

there were a couple of sci fi books about The Time Patrol, that were pretty clever.
they gave "The Real" storys behind a few myths and legends that were well done.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Quote:Yeah, if there was a Hell.

Do you believe in Santa Claus, too?

Hey K1d, you know what I hate more than holy rollers trying to push their beliefs on me. Athiests who try to push their beliefs on me

Just let people believe what they want to believe. You are not the only logical person on the face the planet whose job it is to show everyone what you believe is the truth about Life, the Universe, and Everything (teehee)

So please step off :thumbs-up:

- OAS - 09-09-2002

Quote:Do you believe in Santa Claus, too?
Who doesn't?

And don't you even try to tell me the Easter Bunny isn't real. I mean am I supposed to believe the whole Easter thing is to observe a day to celebrate Christ rising to heaven?