What would you do? - Printable Version

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- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Here's a situation. What would you do?

Got on the train. As soon as the doors opened, I saw an attractive blonde sitting facing the door. Out of reflex, she looked up as the door opened and we made eye contact, but she went immediately back to reading her magazine. Nearest seat is next to her, so I sat down. Noticed she was wearing headphones and could hear the music, so it was playing pretty loud.

How would you approach her? Would you?

I was trying to think of a way of starting a conversation when another guy sat down on the other side of her and seized the opportunity.

- NaughtyAngel - 09-09-2002

thats when you say me and my wife are waiting for my mother to geton the train, can you please move? her headphones are so loud the girl wouldnt even hear

- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2002

what did the other guy say?

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

i hear saying hello is quite popular these days.

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-09-2002

Did the other guy get the phone number? Obviously, if the girl is wearing headphones, she doesn't want to be disturbed. If she took them off casually when she saw you sitting down next to her, that's PROBABLY a positive sign.

But then again, I hate games.

- NaughtyAngel - 09-09-2002

or you couldve spilled coffee on her lap, thats always a great ice breaker

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:i hear saying hello is quite popular these days.

So, you go for the simple "Hi, my name is _" in every situation?

Quote:what did the other guy say?

Wanted to hear a few opinions before I tell what the other guy did. Hint: He almost struck out, but made a surprising recoverery.

- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2002

VG's got the right idea.

The more natural and effortless you seem, the better.

- NaughtyAngel - 09-09-2002

you shouldve killed him

- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2002

this isnt another one of your trick question, lateral thinking, brain teasers, is it?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 09-09-2002

You should've smiled....headphones are a hard obstacle to over could've asked her what she was listening to?

- OAS - 09-09-2002

Rookies, jeezuz!

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Impart your wisdom on us, oh ancient and revered one!

OK, this is what the other guy did. He tapped her on the arm and when she took out her earphones, he asked her something about the magazine article she was reading. She went with the quick one and two word answers. Her defenses were definitely up. Then he tried the music angle with the same results. I figured he struck out and there was no way I could hit on her immediately after he just struck out and was still sitting there, so I stopped paying attention. That's when I heard her laugh. He had obviously said something funny. That's when she started to really talk to him and let her guard down.

Don't know if he got the number cause I got off the train before they did. But, it seems humor was the key in that situation.

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

yes i make it as natural as possible, eye contact is the hardest thing to get. once you get that, simply say hello....could have asked her what she was listening too...of you know the band give your opinion, if not ask her about the it seems like you are interested in what she likes, and want her opinion.

- Keyser Soze - 09-09-2002

hi VG! :loveya:

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

It was Galt!!!!

This Site has made him funnier and surely will lead to him getting laid,
oh how I look forward to a thread when he actually gets the girl in the end.....

so to speak.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Outright flattery works some percentage of the time:

Tap her on the shoulder and say something like: Hi, my name is ____ and I think you are absolutley gorgeous.

You'd be surprised how much people like to hear that they are good-looking

- Gooch - 09-09-2002

hey Arthur, if it was Inkgrrrl...i think she was taken.

Edited By Gooch on Sep. 09 2002 at 5:03

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

hi keyser.

grrls, well at least this grrl does, like it when men approch them, when they have balls enough to even say hello is nice. its hard out there, trust me, i know. but something as simple as a hello and a comment on something that is going on around you two at the moment, can make a grrls day. i know that i have been made happy by a guy just saying some thing like hello. makes people feel good. its like knowing that that other person was thinking about you and made the extra effort to make it known. call me silly, but i like the simple things like that. then again, i am a simple kinda gal.

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

Quote:Tap her on the shoulder and say something like: Hi, my name is ____ and I think you are absolutley gorgeous.

yes, that is nice to hear. but sometimes it seems as if the guy is just saying it to get in to your pants at that moment. it all depends on the situation also...if a drunkin ass monkey guy was saying that to me at a bar i would make a sarcastic comment and walk away. but if i had just been walking down the street and some one tapped me on the shoulder and said that, i would be more then flattered.