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- Hey Ladi - 10-30-2002

Anyone have any real ones??

My friends thought they had one in their basement. If it was quiet & they were alone down there on the computer, they would see someome move by out of the corner of their eye.

One night afer I had my wisdom teeth out, I hit the bong & went on my own little magical mystery tour. At one point I swear up and down that their friend was there. He kept standing behind me saying HI, and I would nod & smile. Because I was.

But my friend says, no he wasn't there. That I must have been talking to the ghost. I did think it was weird that people were ignoring him. I'm still not sure, becuase I also thought I solved the mysteries of time & space that night. :crackhead:

- Hybrid - 10-30-2002

i have a good one that someone showed me about some guy that explored caves. if i find it, i'll post it. it's worth the long read. :thumbs-up:

- Hybrid - 10-30-2002

found it. it's long, but worth it. :thumbs-up:
caver story

- Hey Ladi - 10-30-2002

eeeeeeeeee!!!! Hybrid's story is scary :-o

I had to put the hood on my sweat shirt up, just to read it

and you're right .. loong

- fbd - 10-30-2002

that thing creeped me out back when i read it...
<!-- spoilerKillit --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#000000" size="1">Spoiler (Highlight to Read):</font>
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><!-- spoilerKillitEnd --><!--txtStart-->first, i thought it was fake and a joke and it'd be funny in the end or something, and as i went on, i at least thought it would have an ending written...<!--txtEnd--><!-- spoilerKillit --></td></tr></table><!-- spoilerKillitEnd -->

Edited By fbdlingfrg on 1035957352

- Cunk - 10-30-2002

Wow. That freaked me out even more than I expected since I'm sitting here alone at work in the middle of some forlorn industrial park. Good link.

We grew up absolutely convinced that our house was haunted by the ghost of a previous owner (Mrs. Buck). Thinking back on it I'm amazed at how much influence it had over me. I was so terrified of the third floor of our house that I refused to go up there. Even in my teen years when I moved my bedroom up there I felt kind of uneasy at first.

I think everyone in our family has a story of an "encounter" with Mrs. Buck. No one ever claimed to see her--it was always something subtle. My mother swears she heard a woman crying one night around the time they were building an addition onto the house (it's a 100+ year-old house). My only experience was hearing the doorknob rattle on my bedroom door as I was walking towards it (they're all heavy brass things and kinda loose) and then the door closed a foot or so. I quickly found somewhere else to go.

I'm a grown-up skeptic now so I really don't believe in that stuff. I'm sure everything that happened was fully explainable or just a result of overactive imaginations. Otherwise, why wouldn't these strange things still be happening?

- Gooch - 10-30-2002

Interesting...but fictional. Good read, though.

- Sloatsburgh - 10-30-2002

So what? They never returned?

- kindred - 10-30-2002

I just finished reading it too..... What a disappointing ending. Good story, though.

- nerdo5 - 10-30-2002

it's like reading "house of leaves". same story line, only it takes place in a house that is bigger on the inside than on the outside. so weerd

- JimmyBlueEyes - 10-30-2002

I was driving home from a really rotten date back in 96. I took a turn too fast and almost went into a tree.. I turned hard and the car started to leave the ground. Like it was going to roll over. It started to bounce.. and then almost as suddenly it stopped. I am convinced that one of my relatives reached down and stopped my car from wrapping around this tree, or flipping it. Even more freaky was that it was the same night Flight 800 blew up over Long Island.

- Danked - 10-30-2002

In May of 2001... Three amateur spelunkers journeyed into the woods to dig a hole.... They were never heard from again....


- nerdo5 - 10-30-2002

one halloween, i went out to a party with my friends.
i woke up the next day, and mysteriously didn't know how i had gotten to some girl's house. what was even stranger was that i couldn't find my pants. or my belt. it haunts me to this day. every time my pants fall down, i'm reminded of my missing belt.

- Danked - 10-30-2002

I was just sitting here eating my lunch when I got up to answer the phone. I was gone maybe 5 minutes tops. When I came back, the rest of my sandwich was gone. It just completely disappeared. :-o

My dog looked just as confused as me.

- nerdo5 - 10-30-2002

were your mouse and cat in on the caper?

- Gooch - 10-30-2002

Quote:I was just sitting here eating my lunch when I got up to answer the phone. I was gone maybe 5 minutes tops. When I came back, the rest of my sandwich was gone. It just completely disappeared.

My dog looked just as confused as me.

sorry man...i was starving.

- Weird NJ - 10-30-2002

The scariest part of that cave story was that I read it 5 minutes at a time at work... AND IT TOOK ME ALL DAY!! FUCK YOU HYBRID :fuckoff:

- Sloatsburgh - 10-30-2002

I second that. Fuck You, Hybrid.

I wanted to hear about a dead guy holding onto the rope. (Like the hermit from Life of Brian.)

- nerdo5 - 10-31-2002

maybe joe climbed down, just to scare b. b struck me as kind of an ass. i mean, what kind of name is b, anyways? maybe he should chnge his name to "big c".

- virgingrrl - 10-31-2002

one of my best friends house is haunted by her late great uncle.
this all started back in 1995, when we were freshman in high school. her great uncle passed away, and their parents inherited his van. they drove it all the way back to jersey from flordia, and apparently, they took his spirit with them...

the strange happenings started about a week after her uncle had passed.
her and i were sitting in her kitchen, as we always did, and we heard the front door open. the metal on the bottom of the door scraping across the foyer's tiled floor and then slammed with great force. since it was right after school, we figured it was her younger brother coming home from school. she called out his name. no answer. i tried. still no answer. we then heard heavy foot steps running up the stairs to the second floor. we then looked at each other like what the fuck was that about? so we then got up and went up the stairs to see why her brother didn't answer us. (he was only 11 or 12 at the time, so we went to check on him) we get to his room, he's not in there. checked the other 4 rooms. we find no one. scared out of our minds, we slowly walk back down stairs and go back to the kitchen, trying to convince ourselves that it didn't happen. we then hear the front door open again, at this point we are about to cry out of fear. i call out her brothers name again. no answer. 2 seconds later he appears in the kitchen doorway, we scream, causing him to scream and run the other way. now that part was pretty funny, but we still had that eerie feeling about what had just happened.

a few nights later, my friend was in bed watching television when she fell asleep. she was half asleep, and facing the wall so that her back was to her open room. she then heard her door open, then close.
she heard someone, or something trip over something on her floor (she's a messy grrl) then shut the television off. figuring it was just her parents shutting off her tv. she closed her eyes again, thinking nothing of it. but then it hits her...she never heard the person open and close the door to leave her room. at that exact moment, she felt her mattress go down, as if someone had sat on the edge of the bed. she is now paralyzed with fear and her eyes are shut so tightly. she then hears a faint voice say "shhhhhhhhhh" and gently start rubbing her back. she told me that she just couldn't move. she wanted to scream, she wanted to run....but she couldn't. after the rubbing had stopped, she some how fell back asleep. the next morning, she waked up, her television is still on. confused by all of this, she is trying to add it up to just being a bad dream. later that morning she asked her entire family if they came in her room last night shut the tv off, and sat on her bed. they all said no, that they were in their respective rooms all night. i wouldn't have believed this story unless i was there to witness the first "haunting"

over the next few months, their entire family had heard strange noises and such, except for her father. he didn't believe in ghosts and spirits and such. until something happened to him.

for this story you will need a visual. so try and follow me. in her parents bedroom as soon as you walk in their room there bed is to the left. the wall straight ahead is a wall of mirrored closets, so that if you lay in bed you can stare straight in to the mirrors.

one night he was laying in bed reading and waiting up for my friend, his daughter, to come home. he had heard the front door slam and someone heavily run up the stairs, but didn't hear her shut her bedroom door. so he is staring in to the mirrored wall to see if she was going in to the bathroom, or coming in to his room to say goodnight. as he is staring in to the mirror, he sees a figure that is way too large to be his daughter. now a little scared, he stares harder in to the mirror to see who this person is. he then see's his uncle staring back at him. he then blinked and his uncle was gone.

from that night on he was a believer, and finally believed all of us and the things that had happened to us. after her father had seen that it was the uncle that was "living" with them, the hauntings happened less and less. guess he just wanted to let them know he was there, watching over them.