The Jack appreciation thread - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003

You know him and you love him.

Lets all let Jack know how much we care about him.

- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003


- Keyser Soze - 03-28-2003

danked, cue the crickets.

- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003

You all love him, you're just scared to admit it.

- crx girl - 03-28-2003

jack knows i <3 him

- Goatweed - 03-28-2003

jack who?

- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003

You're all just a bunch of jealous ass bitches, you wish I loved you all as much as I do him.

- Ken'sPen - 03-28-2003

Jack has my love,
as long as I stay out of the cell,

though even there I can marvel at his hard work.

- Buttmunch - 03-28-2003


- Hybrid - 03-28-2003

<table style=filter:flipV>[Image: icon14.gif]</table>

- LyricalGomez - 03-28-2003

He's uhm, good at coding

- Cowboy - 03-28-2003

Jack is a great guy. He has helped me out on a number of things.

- Cowboy - 03-28-2003

Did I miss the point of this thread? Was this supposed to be a joke thread? Undecided

- LyricalGomez - 03-28-2003

He did a brilliant thing by allowing Flash avatars

- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003

I was actually being sincere, I wish the rest of these jealous motherfuckers could admit how much they love him and stop hatin on a playa.

- Ronin - 03-28-2003

Jack is cool. He changed my screen name. And he fixed my screen name on my birthday. Thanks Jack. :thumbs-up:

- LyricalGomez - 03-28-2003

I just named 2 things he did well

- Danked - 03-28-2003

Jack is great because he didn't take away my ability to post sounds in threads.

<bgsound SRC="">

- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003


- GonzoStyle - 03-28-2003

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.