Turtle Beach Santa Cruz - what am I doing wrong?!?! - Printable Version

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- Goatweed - 05-13-2003

So I pick up this board and install it - totally removing any trace of the Soundblaster card and it's drivers/software. The install goes well, but I only selected to install the drivers, not the extraneous software that it comes with (which mainly looked like all kinds of different Audio applications for recording, etc.).

Anyway, my MP3's and CD's sound great - better than my old machine with the Audigy card. I also like the fact that the Santa Cruz also normalizes the volume with my Windows volume (which was always a problem with the Soundblaster cards, it took me forever to find that "sweet spot" between the Windows volume level and the card's level). My problem is in games - they sound too muffled. The volume is there, but it sounds like the Treble is down (which it's not, I usually kick up Bass and Treble to at least 75% each). I played with the settings in the TB control panel and like I said, my music sounds perfect - but in games, there's a noticeable difference.

The two games I've installed so far are Return to Castle Wolfenstein and UT2K3. Wolf doesn't have much of an audio setting within it, just a quality level (of which I select 22 khz, the highest quality level) and UT2K3 it's the same deal - high quality audio. Am I missing something? Was there something in those other applications I should've installed?

- Arpikarhu - 05-13-2003

did you spray some WD-40 on your scuzzi? i find that helps. :thumbs-up:

- HollywoodJewMoses - 05-13-2003

still funny!!!!

- Goatweed - 05-13-2003

it was the first thing I tried, but it didn't work Undecided

- Arpikarhu - 05-13-2003

then its out of my wheelhouse. sorry.

- Goatweed - 05-13-2003

thanks for trying though, I appreciate it.

- Jack - 05-14-2003

Damnit Damnit Damnit Damnit

I know the answer to this and as soon as I can remember it I will tell you...

- Goatweed - 05-14-2003

anything yet?

- diceisgod - 05-14-2003

The solution is quite simple: Go outside and take note of the fiery ball in the sky known on this planet as "the sun"

- Goatweed - 05-14-2003

noted - and hey, thanks man.

- LZMF1 - 05-16-2003

New Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Drivers Win2K/XP

maybe this'll help. then again...maybe it won't

Santa Cruz Downloads Page maybe this one will help too.

Edited By LZMF1 on 1053057015

- Goatweed - 05-16-2003

actually, I tried those already but they didn't help - apparently, the muffled sound was normal for this card (in agmes only) as there were loads of complaints about this in other forums.

long story short - I took the card back, I exchanged it for an Audigy card, it was the same price, all is well now.

- Jack - 05-16-2003

Oh yeah.. I remember how to fix it now...

Sorry. :-(

- Goatweed - 05-16-2003

how? I'll pass it on to the people that are still fighting with it.