Roy Jones To Defend His Heavyweight title in Nov. - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 07-17-2003

Jones has been pressured by the boxing organizations to make a decision as to which belts he will keep. Will he keep all 6 belts at Light Heavyweight and remain undisputed champ, or will he keep his WBA heavyweight championship?

Jones has decided to vacate his light heavy titles and has signed a contract to defend his title on November 8th of this year. The site is a 60,000 seat soccer field in Kenya.

Jones is trying for 3 possible opponents

Holyfield is one but thats the least possible of the three, Holyfield is signed to fight James Toney in september of this year. Plus it's not a big enough marquee to sell out 60,000 seats when most fights have problems selling 10,000 seats.

Lennox Lewis is ofcourse in Jones sights, this is a possibility, especially after Lewis's poor showing last time out. This would be a big attraction but not as big as the third possibility and most probably opponent as of now.

Mike Tyson is the third opponent Jones is trying for and the one he wants most, for the simple reason why Lewis and everyone else wants to fight Tyson for. Tyson for all accounts and purposes is still the biggest draw in boxing. A Tyson Vs. Jones card would easily sell out the 60,000 seats overseas where Tyson is even more a commodity than here. Jones is praying for Tyson and trying hardest for him, cause Jones will easily make a 30 Million Dollar pay day maybe more, which is much more than he would make for holyfield or lewis, which would range between 10-15 million.

No one has signed yet or made any promises but jones just started making offers, since jones is self managed.

- Arpikarhu - 07-17-2003

if it turns into a street brawl you will be in heaven

- GonzoStyle - 07-17-2003

Jones would never let himself get into a brawl with either of the 3, especially Tyson.

Jones will also never, ever, ever take a fight he doesn't believe he will win. You'll never see him take a chance, that's why I am so surprised he'd go after Tyson. He'd do better again Lewis in my opinion cause of what many view as his drawback, his size. He'll dance loops around Lewis all night plus Lewis is not the quickest of men and is a counter puncher.

- Arpikarhu - 07-17-2003

2 drunk guys are getting ready to brawl on my corner. i think you would call it the fight of the century

- GonzoStyle - 07-17-2003

I find your retorts as silly as your Pez collection, just stop.

- Arpikarhu - 07-17-2003

you think chuck wepner was a great boxer, dont you?

- The Sleeper - 07-17-2003

chuck wepner :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

- Arpikarhu - 07-17-2003

you dont even know who chuck wepner is, do you?

- The Sleeper - 07-17-2003


- Arpikarhu - 07-17-2003

and the comedy wheel turns once again

- The Sleeper - 07-17-2003

it's amazing how completely improvised that was

- Keyser Soze - 07-17-2003

i was going to applaude but you two are slapping each other on the back so loudly i figure i dont need to.

- GonzoStyle - 07-17-2003

Arpikarhu Wrote:you think chuck wepner was a great boxer, dont you?
No and just stop, you're embarassing.

- Arpikarhu - 07-17-2003

you probably stay up late watching videotapes of old butterbean fights

- GonzoStyle - 08-27-2003

To update this

Jones Jr. is probably gonna move back down to light heavyweight for his next fight.

Lewis doesn't wanna fight for the remainder of this year, Tyson is all caught up in his legal problems and holyfield is fighting james toney so all those fights fell through for Jones.

Jones vacated his light heavyweight belts, all 6 of them in march of this year when he decided to keep the wba heavyweight strap. Since that time Antonio Tarver has won 2 of the 3 main belts, so looks like jones will fight Tarver to regain two thrids of what constitutes the linear or "undisputed" championship.

Jones Vs. Tarver would be a pretty good fight in my opinion, it will probably take place Nov. 4th. Jones is still in negotiations for the site.

- Keyser Soze - 08-27-2003

I'm looking forward to De La Hoya vs. Sugar Shane