i'm going to the dentist tommorow - Printable Version

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- Paper Boy - 08-06-2003

i broke part of my tooth off early last year and the pain has really been getting to me the last 6 months. i almost passed out from the pain sunday night so i decided to go to the dentist on monday. he said i have a horrible infection in my tooth and he will need to extract it and perform a root canal. he will then stick a post where my horribly infected tooth was and at a later date he will put a fake tooth in it's place.

my question for you's is, has anyone ever had these procedures done? and will it hurt?

- Mad - 08-06-2003

Had a root canal done last year. If the nerve is still alive (and it sounds like it is) you'll be in a shit load of pain. Don't forget to ask for and get the strongest shit you can from the fuck. Other then that what the fuck did you wait so long for?

<!-- spoilerKillit --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#000000" size="1">Spoiler (Highlight to Read):</font>
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><!-- spoilerKillitEnd --><!--txtStart-->Yeah, I know you hate/are scared of the bastards too.<!--txtEnd--><!-- spoilerKillit --></td></tr></table><!-- spoilerKillitEnd -->

- Velociti - 08-06-2003

I work at a dentist and the procedure which you are getting done is called a dental implant. You can expect to make about 5 to 7 visits throughout the duration of getting the implant.

Generally the first two visits are used to take a mold of your teeth so that labs can produce a titanium post as well as a composite tooth to place on top of the post. The next two visits are used to place the post, which involves drilling a hole through the gum and into the jaw bone, followed by a visit to remove the sutures from your gums and to check the positioning of the post. They will give you a temporary tooth at this time, then at this point many practices differ in technique.

Some dentists will place the permanent composite tooth about a week or two later, and some will wait about 5 months for osseoregeneration, or the regrowth of the jaw bone around the post.

Many of the patients don't experience much pain during the procedure, as ample amonts of novacain are used. Within the first week after the post is set you can expect some pain, but you can expect the dentist to give you ample amounts of pain medication.

Another thing you may want to do is ask the dentist for a cost estimate, as a single implant can cost in upwards of 1500 to 2000 bucks and many times insurance companies don't cover this charge because they qualify dental implants as "restorative" dentistry.

- Paper Boy - 08-07-2003

i guess i'm looking at some pain then. it can't possibly be worse then the pain i was feeling, i hope. he already gave me a prescription for vicodin. that stuff actually works pretty well. would it be a good idea to take one before going to the dentist or will it interfere with anything he'll give me for the pain while i'm there ie; novocaine or sweet air?

i thought they were going to do the whole job thursday. i guess i have many visits to look forward to. he gave me an itemized bill on monday. my insurance covers most off it, it'll cost me around 500.

i wonder if he could give me a gold implant with my initial in it. ill have to ask.

- Mad - 08-07-2003

I wouldn't take anything before going to him. Pop that fucker right as you leave the office though. And then another one a couple of hours later with a fifth of your favorite booze.

High times!!!!!!

- Paper Boy - 08-07-2003

it says on the bottle "Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages While Taking This Medicine". are you trying to kill me?

- Mad - 08-07-2003

What are you some kind of pussy?

Are you seriously going to listen to some label. A couple of drinks just makes the pain go away faster.

Do you want to live forever or feel no pain?

- Paper Boy - 08-07-2003

you do have a point there. i'll pick up a four pack of wine coolers on my way home from the dentist.

- Mad - 08-07-2003

<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>REAL MEN DO NOT DRINK WINE COOLERS!</span></marquee>

- PlasticMan - 08-07-2003

Is there anything in this world as painful as when the dentist sticks that needle in your gums? I had a couple of teeth pulled almost a decade ago, and I can still remember squirming around when he stuck me...

- diceisgod - 08-07-2003

Brush and floss, scumbags, and you won't have these problems.

- Velociti - 08-07-2003

It would probably be a bad idea to take vicodin before your appt because it could conflict with any general anestetics that they may give you. Many guys often say that regular vicodin doesnt do much for them, so ask for "vicodin es", it's an extra strength version that is sure to knock you on your ass.

- Weird NJ - 08-07-2003

You guys should shut up. You're making my teeth hurt.

- Paper Boy - 08-07-2003

i'm leaving now. wish me luck.

- DGW - 08-07-2003

Quote:i'll pick up a four pack of wine coolers on my way home from the dentist.
this is by far the most disturbing thing i've read in awhile

- Banana_juice - 08-07-2003

Have any of you read the book "A million little pieces".. Its about a guy going through drug rehab. anyway, there is a chapter in it where he has to go to the dentist to get 2 root canals, and get 4 false teeth implanted.. but since he is property of the rehab, he has to get it done with NO NOVOCAINE OR NO PAIN KILLERS.. he passed out 3 times during the porcedures, and didnt sleep for about a week..

- Paper Boy - 08-07-2003

that wasn't so bad. i was mistaken and he did not have to take the tooth out. they just performed the root canal and crown lengthening, which should really be called "gum removal".

novocaine is starting to wear off and i don't feel all that much pain.

- Jack - 08-07-2003

Drink a big glass of orange juice.

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

with vodka!

- Mad - 08-07-2003

He likes his "wine coolers".