So my roommate won $36,000 in AC last nite. - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 08-09-2003

...and I won $1,250. I don't have the balls to bet like he does. He bets way over his head. What the most anyone here has won or lost at the casino?

- Galt - 08-09-2003

Even when I had money, I wouldn't lose more than $1,000 a night.

I don't think I've ever won much more than $500. I'm a horrible gambler.

- criticslovesnatch - 08-09-2003

36 grand? what the fuck was he playing that he won so much?

- Hoon - 08-09-2003

I won $100 bucks on a scratch off game once.

That's as far as my cheap ass will go.

- Keyser Soze - 08-09-2003

We went to the Taj, sat at the $25 blackjack table. I was playing 25-50 a hand at first and threw down a few $100-$200 hands and hit blackjack big a few times. My buddy got progressively higher. He started throwing down $50's, then $100's, then $200 and eventually was playing two hands at a time with a single $1000 chip on each. Funny thing is, this is the second time he's done this. Last time he was up $45,000 but lost 17,000 of it and wound up coming home with $28,000. We had some really nice shoes, the dealer was busting all over the place and had an unusually low number of blackjacks. I started out cashing in $200 and never dipped in my pocket or below $400 after that. My buddy started with $1,500.

- Gooch - 08-09-2003

i've never been to a casino.

- crx girl - 08-09-2003

can i have some?

- Keyser Soze - 08-09-2003

my winnings are going towards my speeding tickets. my roommate is buying us a nice big screen tv for the apartment. :thumbs-up:

- Paper Boy - 08-09-2003

most won- $5400
most lost- $2700

- Gooch - 08-09-2003

you should invest it in SOHU

- The Sleeper - 08-09-2003

$60 canadian money

- diceisgod - 08-09-2003

I lost about 300 in about 10 minutes playing roulette. Last time I ever go to a casino ever. It would have been more fun getting robbed at gunpoint. Fuck gambling and fuck AC.

- Hoon - 08-09-2003

Keyser's friend has a bright future as a pit boss.

- Keyser Soze - 08-09-2003

How much do pit bosses make anyway?

- Hoon - 08-09-2003

I don't know...but they dress well.

- diceisgod - 08-09-2003

Not as much as they steal.

- Hoon - 08-09-2003

With a clever plan and a friend in the surveilance room..your options are limitless.

- PatCooper - 08-09-2003

won 1200 one night mostly on blackjack, 25-50 a hand
i've never lost a large amount. maybe the most was like 300 or so.
there was a time when every other weekend i was gambling down in AC, when i wasnt there i was at the track.

- QuickStop - 08-09-2003

well i cant legally gamble yet, but my mom won a $5,000 jackpot on a slot machine

p.s. she bought me donkey kong 64 when she got back. good shit

Edited By QuickStop on 1060466628

- PatCooper - 08-09-2003

i hate the fuckers at the slots. There's no point going to a casino and sitting infront of a computer and gamble when you can do it home. Slots are pure luck. No skill no nothing. pump cash in and hope some comes out.