I am ready to put a pickaxe in the head of..... - Printable Version

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- Bland - 12-04-2003

the next fool who says that the thin mints are better than the samoas. It is not true and anyone who says different should not be allowed to eat a girl scout cookie ever again!

- Keyser Soze - 12-04-2003

samoas rule. i think they call them something else now though.

- Goatweed - 12-04-2003

the samoas are awesome, noone sold any at the office this year, tho Undecided

- Bland - 12-04-2003

You have both escaped a terrible pickaxing.

- Keyser Soze - 12-04-2003

i hate mints in all forms.

- Gooch - 12-04-2003

samoas are better..but i'd like to say the opposite just for that pickaxe.

- Bland - 12-04-2003

You seem the sort of fool who would think a pickaxing was a good thing.

- Galt - 12-04-2003

Samoas in the fridge are so freaking good.

Who would ever think that Thin Mints are better than Samoas? That's just retarded.

- Gooch - 12-04-2003

Bland Wrote:You seem the sort of fool who would think a pickaxing was a good thing. eve is free :1:

- Keyser Soze - 12-04-2003

the lemon cookies are a close second for me.

- The Sleeper - 12-04-2003

both are incredible but I'd say thin mints are better

- HollywoodJewMoses - 12-04-2003

im with sleeper on this one.

- HedCold - 12-04-2003

i have no opinion on the matter

- crx girl - 12-04-2003

i never cared too much about the mint ones, but i like those ones with the caramel stripes and chocolate on one side with the hole in the middle. i don't know what the hell samoas are.

- Bland - 12-04-2003

Those are samoas.

- crx girl - 12-04-2003

woohoo no pickaxe for me!

- JimmyBlueEyes - 12-05-2003

Tagalongs are good

- The Jays - 12-05-2003

I enjoy the peanut butter.

- Velociti - 12-06-2003

thin mints are vastly underrated.

samoas are only so-so for me

- Bland - 12-06-2003

Pickaxe for you!