The Search Function - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 02-25-2004

I'm not gonna try to search if there were other threads done about this, based on the events that I just experienced a few minutes ago.

So, I'm trying to find the American Chopper thread.

So, silly me, I decide to use the search function, thinking it will give me what I'm looking for.

I type in american chopper into the box.
Post topics and titles.
I select the Entertainment Unlimited forum.
Topic Titles and Posts.
This Month or Older.

So, I get a whole slew of threads. 4 pages worth. Now, I realize the mistake I made; it's giving me threads with either the word american or chopper, or both, and, for the most part, they are in the Entertainment Unlimited forum.

But, on the first page, I get this one particular thread.

i want to buy a bike

Neither the word american nor chopper appear in that thread.

In fact, the only thing related to the word chopper is the fact that the thread is about bicycles.

On top of that, the thread is in The Pit.

I am now convinced that the search function.and maybe the board for that matter, has achieved total conciousness, and is now giving me back threads related to the genre of the topics I'm searching for. So, be careful, at any moment, the board might kill you.

- Keyser Soze - 02-25-2004

ArchiRobot: the search function is totally ridiculous
SoupSoupAD: which one?
ArchiRobot: on cdih
SoupSoupAD: ha
SoupSoupAD: its pretty simple actually
ArchiRobot: i did a search for american chopper
ArchiRobot: and i got this
ArchiRobot: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
ArchiRobot: i cant find the words american or chopper anywhere in this thread
ArchiRobot: the only thing related to chopper would be the word bike
SoupSoupAD: its is about bikes
ArchiRobot: but i didnt search bikes, i searched choppers
SoupSoupAD: maybe thats the closest thing to american chopper
ArchiRobot: so now, the search function is able to break the word chopper into the genre of bikes, and give me threads related to bikes?
ArchiRobot: its fucking got a mind of its own
ArchiRobot: this warrants a new thread,
SoupSoupAD: i got this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
SoupSoupAD: and thats accurate
SoupSoupAD: cause i know it was mentioned in that thread
SoupSoupAD: did you put in american and chopper?
ArchiRobot: yes
SoupSoupAD: well i got that
SoupSoupAD: not what you got
ArchiRobot: mind of its own
SoupSoupAD: american and chopper
SoupSoupAD: posts and or topic titles
SoupSoupAD: all open forums
ArchiRobot: i even asked it to only search the ent unlimited forum
ArchiRobot: and it gave me pit threads
SoupSoupAD: you must be using it wrong
SoupSoupAD: cause i just tried that and got 2 threads
SoupSoupAD: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
SoupSoupAD: for this month and older
SoupSoupAD: it works perfectly for me
ArchiRobot: but why would it give me a thread that doesnt even have one of the terms
SoupSoupAD: you must have done something wrong
ArchiRobot: sure, i got threads about american chopper
ArchiRobot: i didnt tell it to give me anything that was in that thread
SoupSoupAD: like i said
SoupSoupAD: you're searching wrong
ArchiRobot: it doesnt make sense, it gave me a thread that has nothing to do with either of the terms i asked for, doesnt have either of the words in it, and wasnt even in the forum i specified, how is it my fault that it gave me a bike thread, if im only searching for american chopper in the ent unlimited forum?
SoupSoupAD: you must have selected something wrong in your search
SoupSoupAD: lets go step by step
ArchiRobot: ok, i didnt add the and
ArchiRobot: ok
ArchiRobot: i go to search
SoupSoupAD: there you go
SoupSoupAD: you need to put american and chopper
ArchiRobot: that still doesnt make sense
SoupSoupAD: maybe american was in that thread
ArchiRobot: i just said it wasnt
SoupSoupAD: well look, if you want american chopper, you have to put in "american and chopper"
ArchiRobot: well, now i know, but still, it should have just given me either the word american or the word chopper
SoupSoupAD: i dont know dude
ArchiRobot: it has a mind of its own, Im convinced, and I must spread the word
SoupSoupAD: try putting in american or chopper
SoupSoupAD: "american or chopper"
SoupSoupAD: i didnt even get what you got when i put in american chopper
ArchiRobot: see?
ArchiRobot: mind of its own
SoupSoupAD: no, we used different options
SoupSoupAD: tell me exactly what you chose
ArchiRobot: american chopper
ArchiRobot: ent unlimited forum
SoupSoupAD: wait
SoupSoupAD: type of search
ArchiRobot: post titles and topics
ArchiRobot: this month or older
SoupSoupAD: ok
SoupSoupAD: search in?
SoupSoupAD: no
SoupSoupAD: thats forums
SoupSoupAD: search in...
SoupSoupAD: ok for shits and giggle, do it again
SoupSoupAD: i got 4 pages of results
SoupSoupAD: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
ArchiRobot: so do i
ArchiRobot: do u get the bike thread on the first page?
SoupSoupAD: yes
SoupSoupAD: maybe it uses fuzzy logic
SoupSoupAD: and relates chopper to bike
ArchiRobot: wtf?
ArchiRobot: how can it do that?
SoupSoupAD: magic
ArchiRobot: mind of its own
ArchiRobot: the board has become HAL
SoupSoupAD: go post your silly thread

- The Jays - 02-25-2004


- Goatweed - 02-25-2004

Jays, seriously....send me some of that smoke you got cookin'.

- The Jays - 02-25-2004

You're an Administrator, surely you would know what's up with the search function. How is it using fuzzy logic to search for threads???

- Goatweed - 02-25-2004

as far as I can tell, it works fine. Maybe it has something to do with Neo, Smith and 01.

how about an ounce - come on, you can spare that, right???

- crx girl - 02-26-2004

i missed this one, it's creepy. every once in a while my apartment shakes. i think it's a truck hitting the walls or something,