collin farrells penis - Printable Version

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- HedCold - 06-28-2004

in the school newspaper email we get all sort of weird press releases, especially from this protect babies group. we recently got this one


The 'flap' over Colin Farrell's penis

The hoopla over Colin Farrell's penis not being shown in his new movie "A Home At The End
Of The World" may not be its size, as reported, but the fact that it sports a foreskin. Director
Michael Mayer considered Colin's nude scenes as being "distracting" and cut them. Not
surprising, considering that most American women haven't seen an intact penis, and that
American men might feel 'less than' compared to Colin. We think it is safe to assume that
the director cut the scenes because Colin himself wasn't cut.

In a Playboy interview Colin talks about not being circumcised:

PLAYBOY: Do you find Americans woman fascinated by an uncircumcised penis? [Note the
journalist's bias, as if ALL penises SHOULD be circumcised. The correct terms are 'normal'
or 'intact' penis, DB]

FARRELL: They are kind of fucking fascinated with a foreskin, aren't they? In Ireland, at
birth we don't get the tip of our fucking knobs chopped off. I fucking completely disagree with
that. People say, "It's much cleaner to have no foreskin." What, have you never heard of a
fucking shower? Of Q-Tips? Whatever you want to do it, just clean the fucking thing. I was at
the party with 20 people, one of them an agent from CAA, when somehow the subject of
foreskins came up. She said, "I just don't understand a foreskin. I've never seen one." So I
whipped out my dick and said, "Here, that's all it is. A bit of skin." I did a little Puppetry of the
Penis thing and showed her what it was about. You would have thought she was at a circus
the way she was looking at me.

entire article at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

International Coalition for Genital Integrity
Dan Bollinger
Phone: 765-497-0150
[email protected]
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i found this part funny

PLAYBOY: Do you find Americans woman fascinated by an uncircumcised penis? [Note the
journalist's bias, as if ALL penises SHOULD be circumcised. The correct terms are 'normal'
or 'intact' penis, DB]

how is using the term uncircumcised more biased then using the word normal?

- Keyser Soze - 06-28-2004

normal seems much more biased.

- HedCold - 06-28-2004

who opened this thinking/hoping there would be an actual picture?

- Keyser Soze - 06-28-2004

i peeked.

- HedCold - 06-28-2004

this press release from them is way more interesting


Victim of Circumcision Takes Own Life

The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resources Centers sadly
reports the death of David Reimer, 38, who took his own life in Winnipeg last week.

David, originally named Bruce, suffered the tragic loss of his penis after a medically
unnecessary circumcision caused by physician ignorance of the normal development
of the penis in childhood. Psychologists recommended that he be castrated and raised
as a female. He was renamed Brenda. At puberty, he was given feminizing hormones
to promote breast development and was to be subjected to sex-reassignment surgery,
but an attempted suicide caused his father to tell him the truth about his true gender
and the botched circumcision. Upon being told, his first question was "What was my

This experiment, an attempt to overcome nature by nurturing the child into another
gender proved to be a disastrous failure. When he discovered his true identity, he
insisted that he wanted to live as a male, and he chose the name David. He had a
double mastectomy and surgery to construct a phallus. He later married and adopted
his wife’s children.

Author John Colapinto wrote As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a
Girl, revealing David’s tragic experience to the world. His horrific story has helped to
reform medical practice.

David Reimer had the courage to appear on several talk shows, including The Oprah
Winfrey Show, where his healthy and robust twin brother was introduced as a member
of the audience.

His life took a turn for the worst in recent years. The death of his twin brother and a
divorce weighed on his mind, in addition to the undoubted tragedy of his own life
caused by the circumcision. He resolved to end a life of unrelenting pain.

David managed to triumph by reclaiming his gender and, by telling his story, protecting
others from similar tragedy. He was an inspiration to us all. He long will be
remembered as an example of the risk of terrible mutilation caused by circumcision.

National Organization for Circumcision Information Resource Centers
Marilyn Milos
P.O. Box 2512
San Anselmo, CA 94979
Phone: 415-488-9883
[email protected]
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- coppelia - 06-28-2004

HedCold Wrote:who opened this thinking/hoping there would be an actual picture?
hoping :lookatme:

- GonzoStyle - 06-29-2004

I giggled at the part when it mentioned that he did "puppetry" with his penis.

- The Jays - 07-03-2004

you mean to tell me that there is an actual National Organization for Circumcision Information Resource Center?

- HedCold - 07-03-2004


* Maintains offices open to the public and answers requests for information by phone and mail.
* Offers a referral service that provides the names of doctors, lawyers and advocates who are educated about the functions of the foreskin and the medical, ethical and legal reasons that the sexual organs of children should be left intact.
* Disseminates educational material, provides instruction, and shares research findings with parents, health-care professionals, lawyers, legislators and other concerned individuals.
* Owns one of the largest collections of information about circumcision in the world.
* Endorses and upholds the Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision.

- The Jays - 07-03-2004

well, fuck them, I only endorse the Declaration of the Second International Symposium on Circumcision.

- HedCold - 07-03-2004

do they own the second largest collection of information about circumcision in the world?

- Mad - 07-03-2004

Do they sell foreskin wallets?

- The Jays - 07-04-2004

Ok, if there is a national coalition for circumcision, then there HAS to be some sort of national organization of devoted fans of Madonna, circa 84-86. There has to be a national thing for EVERYTHING.

btw, if anyone can find that website for me, it would be apprieciated.

- GonzoStyle - 07-04-2004

jays is uncircumcised?

my hero is tarnished!!

- The Jays - 07-04-2004

fuck that, I'm circumsized. Unclean mother fuckers,

- GonzoStyle - 07-04-2004

haven't you heard of q-tips and showers?

colin farrel has!!

- The Jays - 07-04-2004

He has standards too. Lindsay Lohan gave him her number at a bar, and when he found out she was 17, he told her to call him in a year.

- GonzoStyle - 07-04-2004

a gentleman in every sense of the word.

- Arpikarhu - 07-09-2004