- Galt - 07-16-2004
Bobby Fischer just got arrested for conducting unapproved business in Yugoslavia in 1992 (a $5MM chess match). He'd be on the lamb for a while, and was finally arrested in Japan. However, he'd been giving interviews all the while about chess, his life, his opinions, and the filthy dirty jews.
Bobby Fischer was born Jewish, by the way...
January 14, 1999
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Quote:Pablo Mercado: Yes, uh, how are you Bobby?
Bobby Fischer: Thank you, very well, yes.
Pablo Mercado: You've very well. You see, Eugene Torre is here with us right now and he related to us your present problem regarding your memorabilias in the States. Can you tell us something about it Bobby?
Bobby Fischer: Yes, well, umm, this is just the latest in a long line of crimes against me by World Jewry and the Jew controlled United States of America.
Pablo Mercado: Uh huh. Why is it so? Why is it so? Why are they doing this to you?
Bobby Fischer: They don't like me.
Pablo Mercado: *laugh* as simple as that. as simple as that that they don't like you.
Bobby Fischer: Ya.
Pablo Mercado: All right. Which of these properties that you have are now being sold by the states?
Bobby Fischer: No .. they're already been sold. They're gone.
Pablo Mercado: Really?
Bobby Fischer: Ya ya. They said I owe them a few hundred dollars which is, you know, without contacting me, nothing. they just sold it all off - stuff that it took me a lifetime to accumulate. I had it in. They broke open my safes and they broke open my file cabinets and everything. and just sold off everything. sold off like a hundred boxes of my stuff and sold off my photo album, my letters from President Marcos, my photo album with President Marcos - everything.
Pablo Mercado: Uh huh
Bobby Fischer: This is just a conspiracy against me by the Jews.
Pablo Mercado: Why? Why?
Bobby Fischer: Those filthy filthy bastards. You know they've trying to take over the world.
Pablo Mercado: Why?
Bobby Fischer: You know they invented the Holocaust story. There's no such. there was no holocaust of the Jews in World War II.
Pablo Mercado: Really?
Bobby Fischer: They've been pulling this shit from time immemorial about persecution. They're a filthy lying bastard people. That's all they ever do. that's all they'll ever be.
Pablo Mercado: Why do you have this thing about the Jews?
Bobby Fischer: I have no thing.. They have a thing about me.
Pablo Mercado: *laugh*
Bobby Fischer: Study the history.
Pablo Mercado: Really?
Bobby Fischer: Are you a Christian?
Pablo Mercado: Yes, I am.
Bobby Fischer: Well, you know. the Catholic Church. the Catholic Church taught for a long time about that they're guilty of the murder of Christ, right?
Pablo Mercado: Yes. So? *laugh*
Bobby Fischer: You know.
Pablo Mercado: *laugh* Anyway, Bob, this memorabilia that has been sold that you owed.
Bobby Fischer: That I owned? I still own it. This is all stolen property, you know?
Pablo Mercado: All right. all right. uhhh would you?
Bobby Fischer: I have spent on this .. just in storage fees alone over 10,000 dollars. I have spent in buying the custom made safes, custom made file cabinets, with secret built in safes in the file cabinets, another file cabinet, a safe with special drill proof doors, with a second door inside, combination locks, both timers, in case somebody tries to force you to open it. The works! to preserve my memorabilia. My stuff from Marcos, my letters from President Nixon, books dedicated to me by President Nixon, former President Nixon when he dedicated the books, but he was President Nixon when he wrote to me. All kinds of stuff, photo albums, statues, the works! They have stole every fucking thing and sold if off. The dirty Jews that want to put me in prison for 10 years. They have sold off all of my memorabilia which I collected over years. They have confiscated, they have stolen my book My 60 Memorable Games. they have come out with the illegal movie called Searching for Bobby Fischer which is exploiting my name for money. They've made tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars on this movie. I never get a penny of it. They came out with the illegal. the Jews have come out with the illegal CD-ROM called Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess. Zero for me. I get nothing. even from the legitimate edition of My 60 Memorable Games. Nothing. These fucking Jews are thieves, they are liars, they are mother fuckers, and it's time we took care of these bastards.
Pablo Mercado: I have a photocopy of several checks that you have issued to .
Bobby Fischer: Yeah yeah. I faxed them to Eug.
Pablo Mercado: Yes, who is this Bob Ellsworth?
Bobby Fischer: This guy was acting as my agent to pay my bills there in the states?
Pablo Mercado: Uh huh.
Bobby Fischer: I have some stuff in storage in New York. I have the stuff in storage in Pasadena which has all been robbed. And I have a PO box. two PO boxes in Pasadena. And I had some property in Florida which I have to pay taxes on every year.
Pablo Mercado: Uh huh.
Bobby Fischer: This. all of these things come to less than 4000 dollars. so I was sending him 5 grand a year to take care of all this, plus giving him like a thousand dollars for his trouble. and he was paying it. But then he got the words from the dirty Jews. fuck Fischer's ass. sell his memorabilia. This was in conclusion. this was in collusion with this Bekins storage company in Pasadena. You know. what the hell am I gonna give away all of the stuff which I have taken years to accumulate and to preserve over 400 dollars. I've got 300 million dollars in Switzerland. I got dough here in Hungary. They did it all behind my back. Nobody contacted me. nothing. They didn't contact my lawyers. nothing. the fucking Jews want to destroy everything I've worked for all my life. There as no Holocaust. The Jews are liars. it's time we took off the kid gloves with these parasites.
Pablo Mercado: All right. with all of these things Mr. Fischer. what do you intend to do now?
Bobby Fischer: I intend to do what I'm doing right now.
Pablo Mercado: What?
Bobby Fischer: Which is to expose the Jews for the criminals they are, the parasites they are, the liars they are, the thieves they are, the niggers (?) they are.
Pablo Mercado: You speak like an Arab.
Bobby Fischer: .. You ask the Palestinians. I was just listening to the BBC. the horror story that come out of there when you get into an Israeli prison. the way they torture you . it's unheard of. I was listening to a Palestinian woman, a Christian woman from Palestine, not even Muslims, Christian women who were anti-Israel. They got picked up by the Israeli police, taken down to the jail, and then the Israeli police tried to get information -- Who do you know among your friends that's anti-Israel? Give us all the names of your Arab, Christian friends who are anti-Israel. When they refused, they put the women in a cell, these are mothers, these women, mostly. They put em in a cell, and then they start playing, in Arabic, on the loudspeaker, 24 hours a day, "Mommy, come home, Mommy, we miss you" in Arabic. They played it over and over again until the women just collapsed.
Pablo Mercado: All right, do you have any.
Bobby Fischer: This is the Jewish mentality. These are a criminal people. They torture their prisoners in the worst way. It's even illegal! They don't even deny it hardly. Jews were always bastards throughout history. They are liars, they are the worst pieces of shit in the world. They mutilate their own children.
Pablo Mercado: all right.
Bobby Fischer: Fuck the Jews.
Pablo Mercado: ok. you don't plan any legal moves against them? against those who sold your memorabilia?
Bobby Fischer: What is this he said?
Pablo Mercado: Legal moves, like a case in court.
Bobby Fischer: You know, the Jews control the courts. What is your name, Mr. Mercado?
Pablo Mercado: Yes, Pablo.
Bobby Fischer: Yes, the Jews. Pablo, yeah Pablo. The Jews control the courts. It's just a charade they go through. It's Facade City, you know - Facade City. I've been involved in a number of law suits in America. Never got a penny, never got a stop order, never got nothing. I've been involved in about 5 or 6 lawsuits, about 5 cases throughout the years, never got a penny, never got any property back, never got a stop order, never got nothing man. I spent a lot of money, and I have all the documents, and I have all the justice on my side. It's a joke. The United States is a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed circumcised Jew bastards.
Pablo Mercado: Bob, uhh, I have no other questions. Maybe Eugene, he has a few questions for you.
Bobby Fischer: Ya ya, Hi Eugene.
Eugene Torre: Hi Hi Bobby. Well, uhh, not much questions. I think you have expressed, uhh, quite good your side, and exposed these people, you know? *laugh*
Bobby Fischer: Hey Eugene, what's the difference between a good Jew and a bad Jew?
Eugene Torre: Yeah. What's the difference between a good Jew and bad Jew?
Bobby Fischer: The good Jew fucks you slower.
*All laugh*
Eugene Torre: OK. so.. It's ok, Bobby. I think it should be over now, and
Bobby Fischer: OK
Eugene Torre: and I have good news. I was able to contact. anyway, maybe you can get in touch with me later, ok?
Bobby Fischer: OK, I'll call you at home, OK?
Eugene Torre: OK, ya, and uhh
Bobby Fischer: OK, what time, I'll call you what, in about 10 minutes, half an hour?
Eugene Torre: Maybe in half an hour, ya.
Bobby Fischer: OK. OK. did we go out live? did we go out live?
Eugene Torre: This is live. This is live Bobby. Everybody hears. .. ..
Bobby Fischer: OK, good. you know, because that's the only way to go, you know. I don't like to be edited, you know.
Eugene Torre: No no. no editing here. Here, it's live.
Bobby Fischer: Get a copy. Get a copy of this, ok
January 29th
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Quote:Eugene Torre: Alright..
Pablo Mercado: Eugene maybe what we can do is start off the ball rolling with a few questions to Bobby
Bobby Fischer: Hello?
Eugene Torre: Yeah, Bobby, do you have anything to say in particular before we forget anything?
Bobby Fischer: No, are we on the air or what?
Eugene Torre: Yeah, we are on the air
Bobby Fischer: Uh, well, no, nothing... I’m going to make an announcement pretty soon.. and uh, I have a lot of things to say, sure sure, first of all, I want to keep going with uh,... as ridiculous as it is, and as outrageous as it is, and as farcical as it is, the Jews who control the media all over the world, they're gonna say the reason Bobby Fischer didn’t pay his storage bill in Pasadena is because he's broke. That's the real reason. Everything else is just a smokescreen.. and it's a tragedy that all his stuff was confiscated and auctioned off, but he couldn't pay his storage bill, and he's ashamed to admit it. And that's why he lost everything. Not because of some conspiracy. He just doesn’t have the money. He's broke. He was never paid his prize fund in his match in Yugoslavia. And what if he was paid? It was all. He reinvested in Yugoskandic and he lost it all when Yashivivashvili fled to the bandit State of Israel.. so he's broke. That's why he lost his stuff in storage.. no conspiracy. OK. Get some little music ready for a big announcement, ok?
Eugene Torre: Unfortunately, we don't have music...
Bobby Fischer: That's OK..
Eugene Torre:We have a drum. We have a drum.
Bobby Fischer: I am now going to prove that I got about 3 and a half million dollars in Switzerland...ok?
Pablo Mercado: Alright Bobby, this is Pablo..
Bobby Fischer: Hi Pablo .. cause the god damn Jews.. who will use any fuckin trick to screw me .. fuckin bastards and liars.. I got the dough.. it was a conspiracy.. I worked my ass off for this memorabilia for years. I was in and out of those file cabinets and safes thousand and thousands of times.. there's no way.. I kept this stuff, this memorabilia, through thick and thin for decades.. I had twenty lean years where I hardly made any money.. the Jews blackmailed me from playing chess. And it was a hardship just to pay the storage, you know? I kept this stuff.. for twelve years it was in storage.. I was paying dough even when I had practically no income.. now how am I gonna give it up after the match in 1992 when I made three and a half million dollars.. ok.. I am gonna prove, refute all the Jewish lies that I'm broke, was never paid for my match in Yugoslavia in 1992. or if I was paid I reinvested all the money in Yugoskandic and lost everything.. All bullshit, all lies, the Jews know it. When I first read these stories I wasn't paid for my 1992 title match with Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia, or that I have lost it all in Yugoskandic when the bank went bankrupt I laughed. But the god damn Jews they've been repeating it, repeating it, repeating it. They wanna cram this fuckin lie down everybody's throat... and now I see why they were pushing it, cause they were planning to rob my stuff in storage on the outrageous pretext that I owe them four hundred eighty bucks. That stuff was worth millions!
Pablo Mercado: Alright
Bobby Fischer: Now, I’m gonna prove I got this three and a half million dollars in Switzerland... cause the Jews will say, oh. Fischer says he's got three and a half million dollars in Switzerland, so what? anybody can say he's got three and a half million dollars in Switzerland.. he can say he's got ten million dollars in Switzerland.. a hundred million dollars, a billion dollars. OK, I will prove I've got the three and a half million dollars in Switzerland, ok? I will tell you the bank it's in right now.. it's in the Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich. ok?
Pablo Mercado: OK
Bobby Fischer: Now.. and that's a fact. About three and a half million dollars, give or take a couple of hundred thousand dollars dollars either way. The last time I talked to her, my account manager, she said it was three and a half million dollars. Plus, plus, of course a lot of it's tied up in stocks and bonds, gold, metal, I've got platinum, the whole bit. But, I've always kept a lot of freestanding cash in, like, the equivalent of a money market. I've got about nine hundred thousand dollars in the money market, available twenty four hours. I've always had that, about nine hundred thousand dollars available twenty four hours. When they ripped off my property in Pasadena, I had about nine hundred thousand dollars ready cash available twenty four hours. I could be paying the storage for a thousand years and not even miss it. This is a ripoff. This is a mega-robbery of what I've spent a lifetime accumulating. They have ripped off every fucking thing in that storage place. This is a giant conspiracy of the Jewish world government.
Pablo Mercado: Uh, hello..Hello Bobby?
Bobby Fischer: Ya
Pablo Mercado: Don’t shout into the receiver.. you're coming in.. your sound here is blasting too much, right?
Bobby Fischer: Oh.. sorry..
Pablo Mercado: Its ok, it's ok.
Bobby Fischer: What do you think.. are they gonna understand what I said?
Pablo Mercado: Yes, of course.. yes, but don’t shout too much..
Bobby Fischer: Ok.. maybe [...]
Pablo Mercado: And I would appreciate it very much, Bobby, if we can tone down on the expletives please.. we are on the air here..
Bobby Fischer: Ill try.. Ill try Pablo.. you know, if this happened to you, you'd be madder than I am probably..
Pablo Mercado: I understand.. I understand just how you feel...
Bobby Fischer: Everybody said you're too mad.. if the Jews pulled this kind of crap on you or anybody else, they'd be so goddamn mad, they'd go out with a machine gun after every goddam Jew in the street..
Pablo Mercado: Alright.. maybe I can have you react to some of what they said over the Internet about you?
Bobby Fischer: Ya ya, nobody cares about that I've been robbed of something it took me a lifetime to put together.. [...] I spent a fortune just on safes. you know.. alright, tell me.
Pablo Mercado: Alright, first of all, I just heard from Eugene you lost your mother in last year, even your sister. I'd like to say condolence.
Bobby Fischer: Oh yeah, thank you. Thank you, Pablo.
Pablo Mercado: You've never been back to the states yet.
Bobby Fischer: No, no, you know, they've got an arrest warrant out for me.
Pablo Mercado: Is that so?
Bobby Fischer: A federal arrest warrant. since 1992, since December 15, 1992. I've got the federal arrest warrant, I've got it right here.
Pablo Mercado: What for?
Bobby Fischer: December 15, 1992.. I was indicted by a grand jury in Washington DC and uh, and uh, if I'm convicted of these charges, there's a 10-year prison sentence, and they've got an arrest warrant, a federal arrest warrant.. It's valid in every state of the union, Guam, it's valid in Alaska, New York.
Pablo Mercado: What for?
Bobby Fischer: California. The United States, they're gonna grab me, put me in jail, and who the hell knows? maybe I'll quote unquote commit suicide in jail, or because I'm such a difficult character, some prisoner won't like me, and he'll kill me on instructions from the goddamn Jews.
Pablo Mercado: So so.. what for are they going to arrest you?
Bobby Fischer: Huh?
Pablo Mercado: Why are they going to arrest you? Why?
Bobby Fischer: Because, umm, see.. I played a chess match.. a World Championship chess match, with Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia, 1992.
Pablo Mercado: Yes.
Bobby Fischer: But it was in violation, apparently, of an order, an executive order which President Bush had signed, uh, I think in around May of 1992, that forbid Americans to, uh, do business with Yugoslavia, unless, of course, they had permission or an exception from the government, which I didn't get. Everybody got it. CNN gets it, all these Jew controlled outfits get it, and you know, you know how many people were involved in that match, nobody was indicted? Spassky wasn't indicted, he played. The [...] government didn't indict him. And I'll tell you something else about Spassky. He played in that match, nobody indicted him. That guy has been to the U.S. at least a few times since the match. He can go to the U.S. Nobody touches him. He played in the match just like me. The U.S. government doesn’t give a damn about arresting him. They only want to arrest me. Eugene was over there. He made a nice pretty penny there. The Philippine government doesn't wanna put him in jail. There were a lot of people involved in that match. Nobody wants to put anybody in jail but me. They wanna put me in jail cause the Jews are behind all this. They're behind everything. They're orchestrating everything, this, uh, indictment, this movie, the forged Batsford edition of My 60 Memorable Games, this fake forged book, called umm uh, I mean CD-Rom called Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess. Now they're behind this mega-robbery of all my stuff at the Pasadena storage house, the robbery and auctioning off of all this stuff. You know, they grabbed this stuff on the cheapest, meanest trick. The most transparent ploy you can imagine. This fuckin Elsworth, deliberately, they used a secret Jew I'm sure...deliberately, behind my back, just stopped paying for six months. I sent him the check. You saw the check, Pablo.
Pablo Mercado: Yes.
Bobby Fischer: It's not even a personal check. It's a bank check. I sent it by registered mail. [....] six month. And they just grabbed my stuff and sold it off. I mean this is too much! You know this is such an outrage, it's ridiculous. The Jews who control the world press, they really think people are stupid, you know?
Pablo Mercado: Yes.
Bobby Fischer: I mean this is all too much. This is the cheapest trick.. I was worried more about my stuff in storage being robbed. I never dreamed the dirty Jews would pull crap like this. You know.. I paid storage there for twelve years. I was their best customer at that Beacons place. I paid em like over ten grand. And then in collusion with Bob Elsworth, the dirty secret Jew, and then this goddamn Beacons. They, they, claim I didn't pay them for six months, four hundred and eighty dollars. Four hundred and eighty.. one scrap of paper in there is worth more than that. You got thousands of pages with my signature all over the place, my writing all over the place. I got a list here, just a tiny partial list of some of the stuff that was in there. When you hear about this, it'll just blow your mind. Just a fuckin safe was worth several thousand dollars, and I'll tell you, I can prove it because I had all my stuff moved once from one storage bin to another there. It was originally a lousy storage bin. I wanted it to be the best room, cause you know, it's valuable stuff. So they moved it from some kind of a lousy bin downstairs, which was like an add-on room, downstairs was all add-on rooms, junky rooms. They moved it upstairs to the real rooms, uh, you listening Pablo?
Pablo Mercado: Yes, I am.
Bobby Fischer: They moved it upstairs to the real room, real rooms which were [...] quality. You know, solid walls and solid door and everything. These are rooms. These are not little cubicles. These are rooms. I had a ton of stuff. These are real rooms, you know?
Pablo Mercado: Uh hmm..
Bobby Fischer: OK, they moved it up, but they're real animals these movers. They're beasts. And I think they were told by the owner there, cause he's a goddamn Jew, to give Fischer a hard time. Anyway, they move my safe up on some kind of a jack, like a hydraulic jack or whatever, but when they got it into the new room, the bastards just dumped it, like, right off the jack, without slowly lowering it down, you know? So he damaged the safe, and the door jammed.
Pablo Mercado: Uh hmm..
Bobby Fischer: OK, so I didn't have use of the safe. I couldn't open and close the safe. You know, I couldn't get in. So then my lawyer negotiated with them, eight months a year. So finally, they get them to pay the damage so I can have somebody repair it, and the damage just to my safe they paid me three thousand dollars. OK?
Pablo Mercado: Alright.
Bobby Fischer: Just the safe alone. And I had another file cabinet with another secret safe and another file cabinet. But just the standalone safe alone, just to repair the damage that they did is three grand. The safe was worth a lot more than three grand. But just to repair the damage... ok. All this is just such an outrageous ripoff.
Pablo Mercado: Bob.
Bobby Fischer: You know. I'm announcing where I got this three and a half million dollars in Switzerland. Cause I don't want these goddamn Jews lying anymore. aww. Fischer lost his stuff cause he's broke. This is all a smoke...
Pablo Mercado: Bob, hold up.
Bobby Fischer: [...] in 1992 in this bank.
Pablo Mercado: OK, Bob? Hello Bob? Can you mention some of those things that you lost already?
Bobby Fischer: OK.. but this is not a complete list.
Pablo Mercado: Alright..
Bobby Fischer: I haven't been in there since '92, you know, cause I can't go back to the states, you know.
Pablo Mercado: So what did you lose so far?
Bobby Fischer: Well, here's just a little list of the things the Jews stole from me in the Beacons Pasadena storage house. I think they may have changed their name to something else. You know, these Jews. Jews love changing names, you know.
Pablo Mercado: Alright.
Bobby Fischer: All the Russian revolutionaries, they're all Jews, but they [...] their names. They love confusing people with name changes, but this is the Beacons storage in Pasadena or whatever those bastards call themselves now. OK, here's some of the stuff they stole.
Pablo Mercado: OK.
Bobby Fischer: They stole a statue, it was a three horses statue that I won in Yugoslavia in 1970 in a tournament there. It was a [...]. That was part of my prize. I got paid cash plus this statue by a very famous author there. This statue is on the money in Yugoslavia back then.
...there's more but not much antisemitism
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.american-buddha.com/diatrib....0SEEING">http://www.american-buddha.com/diatrib....0SEEING</a><!-- m -->
Quote:MERCADO: We have on the line a notable friend, a chess grandmaster--yes, he was the World Chess Champion--Bobby Fischer, and he would like to air his opinion and give some commentary on what happened at the World Trade Center just a few hours ago--it could be an attack at the White House and I think the Pentagon too. Here he is.
FISCHER: How are you doing, Pablo?
FISCHER: Yes, this is all wonderful news. It is time that the fucking U.S. got their heads kicked in. It’s time to finish off the U.S. once and for all. Everybody knows how you...how you...uh...
MERCADO: Just give us a few simple statements.
FISCHER: I was happy. I could not really believe what has happened. I just can’t be crying about the U.S., you know. All the crimes the U.S. is committing all over the world. This just shows, what goes around comes around, even to the United States.
MERCADO: Hmm. You are saying you are...you are happy about what happened?
FISCHER: Yes, I applaud the act. Look, nobody gets that the U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians for years. Robbing and slaughtering for years and nobody gave a fuck . Fuck the U.S. I wanna see the U.S. wiped out.
MERCADO: Heh heh, right. Well, the U.S. is a superpower. How did...
FISCHER: Well, probably it is not as powerful as everybody thought. They were hijacked, those planes. There has been no intelligence on this. How is it possible that the “great” U.S. is nobody!
MERCADO: Yeah, that’s what they have been doing here in the Philippines, and considering the properties they have right now, you know, business--
FISCHER: What I am really hoping for, Pablo, did you ever see that movie Seven Days in May?
FISCHER: That’s a movie about a general who tries to take over the U.S. I think it was with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas.
FISCHER: I was really for the generals, you know, but in the end the president of the so-called democracy won. I’m hoping for some kind of a Seven Days in May scenario in the lakes of Ontario, where the country will be taken over by the military, to close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders, and, you know, apologize to the Arabs by killing off all the Jews over there in that bandit state, you know, Israel. I’m hoping for a totally new world.
MERCADO: Really?
FISCHER: Yeah. The U.S. is based on lies, is based on theft...You have to look at the history of the country: Get something for nothing. Take and kill. That’s the history of the U.S. A despicable country, you know...
Democracy is just a load of bullshit. It is just a cover for the criminal nature of the U.S. But I’m hoping for the Seven Days in May scenario, where sane people will take over the U.S., military people. They will imprison the Jews, they will execute several hundred thousand of them at least.
And ultimately the white man should leave the U.S., the black man should go back to Africa, the whites back to Europe, and the country should be returned to the American Indians who lived there for who knows how many tens of thousands of years. They kept the land crystal clean. It was a beautiful country when the white man came. This is the future I would like to see for the so-called U.S.
Death to the U.S. They are the worst liars and bastards. This is a wonderful day.
Don't know if these links work, but here's some audio that I simply HAVE TO listen to this weekend.
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- Arpikarhu - 07-16-2004
so many words! my brain is on fire! make the hurting stop!
- Galt - 07-16-2004
but it's wildly anti-semitic. You'll love it.
- Keyser Soze - 07-16-2004
he seemed like a nice young man in the movie.
- Gooch - 07-16-2004
Keyser Soze Wrote:he seemed like a nice young man in the movie. what movie?? he's not in Searching for Bobby Fischer, you dunce.
- Keyser Soze - 07-16-2004
hook, line, and sinker!
- Gooch - 07-16-2004
yes, this was your insidious plan. i bow to your prowness.
- crx girl - 07-16-2004
it made perfect sense to me
- Goatweed - 07-16-2004
I've never seen the movie - is it good?
- Arpikarhu - 07-16-2004
Quote:He'd be on the lamb
i am still waiting for an explanation as to why he is supposed to be on a lamb.
- JimmyBlueEyes - 07-17-2004
Arpikarhu Wrote:Quote:He'd be on the lamb
i am still waiting for an explanation as to why he is supposed to be on a lamb. The pigs were taken
- diceisgod - 07-17-2004
Those audio links don't work. Damn.
- QuickStop - 07-17-2004
i used to have a site with the audio from these interviews. god damn theyre entertaining. hes so fucking crazy
- The Jays - 07-18-2004
Not to stray off topics, but why do French people hate the Jews so much, and how come they never learn?
- The Jays - 07-18-2004
Quote:"Anti-semitism is one of the great debilitating factors in Arab political life today, the notion that the future is always being shaped by forces or groups outside the Arab's control, so they are never at fault for anything that befalls them."
I don't even understand what the theory is how all Jews run the media, the government, etc.
- Galt - 07-19-2004
Quote:"racism is one of the great debilitating factors in minority political life today, the notion that the future is always being shaped by forces or groups outside the minorities's control, so they are never at fault for anything that befalls them."