Cold Day In Hell Statistics - Printable Version

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- Danked - 09-23-2004

Quote:Please welcome our newest member, Arden!
We now have a total of 336 members.
We have 327033 total posts (317437 replies + 9596 topics).
The most members online recorded was 213 on May 16 2004,10:19 am.

Unless that was the day the zombie virus spread throughout Manhattan and we all logged in to the board to make sure we didn't crave each others brains. I'm pretty sure that didn't really happen though.

- GonzoStyle - 09-23-2004

thats when we had that weird influx of "guests" ofcourse if you ever read the mod forum you'd have remembered that, burn boy.

- Danked - 09-23-2004

You stay the fuck away from me.

I saw you reach for my cranium and smack your lips when I had my back turned to you the other night.

- diceisgod - 09-23-2004

6 million jews.....riiiiiight

- Danked - 09-23-2004

If the zombie virus ever spread throughout Europe, I wonder if the jews not burned after death would rise too?

- GonzoStyle - 09-23-2004

Danked Wrote:You stay the fuck away from me.

I saw you reach for my cranium and smack your lips when I had my back turned to you the other night.
My, my such a temper. I think that weeds got you paranoid.

- Danked - 09-23-2004

You were holding out on that hamburger to leave room for my juicy brain!

- Goatweed - 09-23-2004

that weed was really good. filtered even!

- GonzoStyle - 09-23-2004

Danked Wrote:You were holding out on that hamburger to leave room for my juicy brain!
If your brain is anything it's definitly not juicy.

- Goatweed - 09-23-2004

care for some ketchup on your burger?

- GonzoStyle - 09-23-2004

I would but you'd go and fuckin hide it on me again fucko.

- Goatweed - 09-23-2004

the macaroni & potato salads were good too - Danked's especially.

- Black Lazerus - 09-23-2004

it was laced with weed I think... i know I just kept eating and never got full.