Supreme Court Justice Encourages Sex Orgies - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 10-01-2004

?I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged,? Scalia said.

?But it is blindingly clear that judges have no greater capacity than the rest of us to decide what is moral.?

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- drusilla - 10-01-2004

the link isn't coming up. but don't get any ideas.

- Keyser Soze - 10-01-2004

trust me, its getting hammered right now cause its on the top of the drudge report, takes awhile to load.

so, what are you doing next weekend?

- drusilla - 10-01-2004

washing my hair

- diceisgod - 10-01-2004

Take your shirt off

- Mad - 10-01-2004

I wonder what the proper etiquette is for an orgy at the Supreme Court is?

I'm guessing they let Clarence Thomas have last dibs.

- GonzoStyle - 10-01-2004

cuz he's a nigger!!!!!!

- Mad - 10-01-2004

He's got to hang.

- The Jays - 10-01-2004

Just good ol rational thought. It's more rational to say that social tensions can be eased through group sexual favors than to say social tensions can be eased by us all praying to God every Sunday.

- The Jays - 10-01-2004

Quote:Scalia is known for a biting humor and is entertaining on the talk circuit and on the bench during the court's argument sessions.

He raised some eyebrows with a speech this week at Harvard University, however, with a comment about the number of people needed for group sex and the jest that "sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged."

He made a similar remark in a speech Sept. 20 in Washington, to chuckles from the crowd at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, while making the point that judges can have personal moral judgments. It is not judges' role to impose them on citizens, he said.

"Let me make it clear that the problem I am addressing is not the social evil of the judicial dispositions I have described. I accept, for the sake of argument, for example, that sexual orgies eliminate social tension and ought to be encouraged," Scalia said with a smile.

The 68-year-old was named to the Supreme Court in 1986 by President Reagan, and President Bush has said that Scalia is one of the justices he admires most.

A Harvard Law School graduate, he was invited to Cambridge, Mass., and spoke Tuesday to a packed auditorium.

According to The Harvard Crimson newspaper, Scalia ridiculed a European court decision that struck down British legislation barring group gay sex on the ground that the law intruded upon private life. He asked rhetorically and very much tongue-in-cheek how many people it takes for such sex.

"Presumably it is some number between five and the number of people required to fill the Coliseum," Scalia said, according to the newspaper.

On a more serious note, Scalia was asked if he had any gay friends. Scalia said he probably does, but he's never "pressed the point."

- Goatweed - 10-04-2004

bang party anyone?