whats the fucking deal?!?! - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 10-07-2004

the board skin that i use is gone!
first i couldnt get on the site for 2 hours and now i am stuck with this hideous board skin. where the fuck is jack???

- Jack - 10-07-2004

He left the building.

- Jack - 10-07-2004

We are experiencing technical difficulties at this time.

If you notice, in your address bar, it no longer says <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, but rather it says <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->.

Your regularly scheduled site will return at its regular domain in approximately 24-48 hours.

Thank you and have a great day.

- Arpikarhu - 10-07-2004

well get his fat ass back here and have him fix this!!!!!

- Jack - 10-07-2004

:29: :33:

My fat has taken offense at your tone of voice.

- Arpikarhu - 10-07-2004

what is the goddamn dealio?? where are the skins??? this generic one looks like shit!!!
and that "online" tag is very fucking gay!!

- Jack - 10-07-2004

The deal is that we don't know exactly what happened but it has been fixed.

It takes 24-48 hours for the domain to re-propogate. In the mean time we are stuck with until it does.

And rather than change 5 skins that I would have to change back tomorrow or friday, I adjusted one skin to work and turned off the rest.

Rest assured that they will return no later than Saturday at Midnight.

- Arpikarhu - 10-07-2004 on top of it

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-07-2004


- GonzoStyle - 10-07-2004

I think its fixed now.

- crx girl - 10-07-2004

my screen is bright white and blue, like the enutblahblah skin, it hurts my eyes, in my addres bar it says cdih, so at the very least tell me how to turn it back to the nice soothing black background thank you.

seriously i've gone through all my options and i can't find my skin changing option. i don't care if something hit a glitch but just tell me how to put it back, this white shit is hurting my eyes.

Edited By crx girl on 1097138556

- Jack - 10-07-2004

Everything should be fixed now.

You may have to go into your control panel to choose your skin again.

- Goatweed - 10-07-2004

I was starting to think the rent wasn't paid :29:

- crx girl - 10-07-2004

yay, it's all better. thank you

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

Goatweed Wrote:I was starting to think the rent wasn't paid :29:
believe me, not a problem this month. :thumbs-up:

- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2004

lets not start that again.

- Goatweed - 10-08-2004

I've been having problems getting on here all night - fuck!

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

GonzoStyle Wrote:lets not start that again.
i was wondering if you were going to jump at this bait.

- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:lets not start that again.
i was wondering if you were going to jump at this bait.
We all know how well that worked out last time, all we need is for Ken and your baseball bat to make a comeback and it will be complete.

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

ah, the golden age!