Need some advice - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2004

My cousin got arrested for a DWI about 3 weeks ago, he stupidly agreed to take the breath test and blew like .15 I think.

Anyhoo, they took his car from him and he finally got a court date for next week. So he calls his stupid fuckin court appointed lawyer and he tells him that he doesnt represent him in that part of the case. BUT he doesn't reccomend he go down there without an attorney. He said bascailly they are gonna try to seize the car and sell it, an attorney may try to talk them out of it or get them to basically "re-sell" the car to the owner.

It's like a 94 toyota but he still needs the car to get to work and back.

So basically I have never dealt with this or know anyone who has, he's like all panicked and I feel for the kid cause he's like my bro.

Anyway maybe someone here can throw out some advice, or knows an attorney who specialzes in these things.

I mean I dunno if the appointed fuckin attorney was being an asshole, honest, or clueless?

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

.15 is pretty loaded.

- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2004

Isn't the limit like .10?

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

.08 i thought.

- The Sleeper - 10-08-2004

ask keyser, he knows all about drunk driving

- Mad - 10-08-2004

Ask Keyser, he has experience with DWI in NYC. Worst thing to ever do is give evidence against yourself.

Keep your mouth shut and ask for a lawyer.

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

i wish all the best for gonzo's cousin but in truth i think if you drive drunk you deserve to have the book thrown at you. putting other peoples lives on the line cause you want to drink is bullshit.

- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2004

I agree with your sentiment and I am not gonna make excuses for him but its the first time anything like this has happened to him. He's pretty shook up from it and I think he's learned his lesson, plus he's a negro so its amazing that this was the first time he'd been arressted in his 29 years.

- Arpikarhu - 10-08-2004

you have a negro cousin?!?!

so much explained with one sentence.

- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2004

yeah I pretty much thought it was common knowlege at this point, I use him for street cred. Plus it was a great benefit when I lived in the projects growin up.

- diceisgod - 10-09-2004

I drive drunk every weekend.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

you are so edgy

- diceisgod - 10-09-2004


- HedCold - 10-09-2004

Quote:he's like all panicked and I feel for the kid cause he's like my bro.

Quote:plus he's a negro so its amazing that this was the first time he'd been arressted in his 29 years.

29 yrs old...the kid?????

- diceisgod - 10-09-2004

He's a late bloomer

- Ronin - 10-09-2004

get johnny cochran.

- Keyser Soze - 10-09-2004

i sent gonzo my advice in a PM.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

which you obviously want some sort of praise for or you wouldnt have felt the need to tell us.

- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

HedCold Wrote:
Quote:he's like all panicked and I feel for the kid cause he's like my bro.

Quote:plus he's a negro so its amazing that this was the first time he'd been arressted in his 29 years.

29 yrs old...the kid?????
oh sorry, I meant it like "yo keeeed"

- Mad - 10-09-2004

I'm looking forward to Dig's future tale of killing a family of four in a blackout. Should be a real tear jerker.