In like three monthes - we'll be entering the third year in Iraq - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 12-13-2004

Didn't we launch some major offensive in Fallujah and supposedly finish them off? Now we have more airstrikes on the city?

It pisses me off that we went to war for shitty reasons, that we went to war with expectations that we were capable of finishing it quickly, and that we send soldiers off to die without proper supplies, without enough troops necessary, and to fight an enemy that would stop fighting with us if we didn't keep fucking with them so much.

I'm so sick of people saying "terrorists hate freedom, that's why they hate us." What the fuck. True, while I have spent my entire life living in this free country, I have yet to come across some crazy fucker who says "gee, I sure wish we had a dictator controlling our country." "Boy, I sure wish somebody would stop allowing me access to all this information." "You know, having all this people to elect is hard, why can't someone just come along and control everything in the country." "God, I sure wish I wasn't endowed by some creator with certain inalienable rights. Please, alienate my rights!"

This thing I have always loved about the Declaration of Independence is that it gets right to the point. Every human being has these rights, and you're fucking with them, and we don't like that, so go fuck yourself. And then we went to war. That was a just cause. How the fuck is Iraq a threat to our country? How do they infringe upon those rights? How is this war a just cause? Every day our troops spend in that country is another day where we continue to contradict the very thing we fight for. And then they lie about it, and spin it.

And then Bush gets fucking re-elected, no, not because he's handling the war so well, because it is laughable for anyone to say that this shit is going good. No, they vote him in because of "values." I'm sorry, values? Dudes, we're all for values, like being honest, and spending money wisely, and making sure people whose lives are in danger have the things they need to make it through, and making sure that our planet is clean and safe for all species to exist on (which ensures our own rights as well). Oh, but those are stupid liberal values they say. Real values are found in the Bible, they say. Fuck that. I say those are universal, smart, well though out values. I also believe those are true conservative values, and this agenda these Republicans pawn off to the rest of the country is irrational, power hungry, born-again "don't do that" "fear the wrath of god" "good against evil" bullshit.

BTW, where's Osama? Oh , we lost him in Pakistan, oh well. BUT WE GOT SADDAM! 12 YEARS LATE, BUT WE GOT SADDAM!!

All I want my government to do is to give me the chance to live my life, and to make sure no one infringes on my rights, or the rights of anyone else in this country. I can't expect that anymore; this country is run by smart people who pander to dumb ideas. When being a good Christian person and repping for the J to the Eezzo S to the U S is more important that going to war for wrong reasons, I question what exactly are thes values that this country holds so dear?

- Galt - 12-13-2004

This is basically what Osama said three days before the elections and without the potty-mouth

- Keyser Soze - 12-13-2004

"its hard to imagine a post war iraq will require more troops than the invasion" - under sec of defense in 2002

- GonzoStyle - 12-14-2004

GW would be proud of your use of "monthes"