I'm torn between my favorite part being when the smash the heads of the "fallbehinds" by grabbing them by the legs and slamming them on the floor, and the slitting the throats of the cows as they hang by their legs and some guy catches the blood in a giant spittoon, probably so they can give it to Dick Cheney for his Satanic rituals.
Wait, I don't get it. Are they saying that animals that we eat should be treated more humanely?
Thus, treating them "humanely" doesn't make much sense.
I say, if you want to save the animals, you should adopt one.
Otherwise, shut the hell up.
There is no way the farm industry can support the appetite of this country and still let the animals live a nice cushy life. It's just not gonna happen.
The whole thing reminds me of all the pro-lifers that wouldn't dare adopt some crack baby from the projects but think it should be illegal to abort said baby.