List of all the company holidays I get off for. List of days alternate side parking is off. A pick of someone rockclimbing. A postcard ad for my friends band.
Haven't decorated my apartment yet, let alone my desk. :crackhead:
It's a refrigerator magnet which presents less of a magnetic field then the one created by the electrical impulse of the hard drive itself. Plus my monitor is nowhere near the docking station that my laptop sits in. Other than that, I suppose I should be more careful.
work PC : some reports that I use on a semi-regular basis, nothing really important. My desk is neat, especially these days because I haven't been all that busy :-D
home PC : 2 piles of bills. unpaid (left) and paid (right). My desk is pretty much covered with various CD's, disks, etc. I really need to spend some cleaning it up and organizing it better.
Work computer - nothing
Home computer - two small McDonald's stuffed animals (which double as dusters for the screen).
Desk has two bins for paper, Pluto mug with pens & pencils, checkbook, digital camera, water bottle (to squirt the dogs when they get annoying), CDs, nail file, nail clippers, notebook, Sears "tool territory" mouse pad, and a rock.