Gooch's first day: I remember in my first post, i hit New Post instead of Reply...and Gonzypooo posted to aid me in my newbie ways.
2nd day: The next day, I immediately got into a huge battle with IP, Opak and Howie b/c I did a controversial post saying when you try to get close to the show, don't be surprised when you get burned (eg: used as material). This theme seemed to pan out for everyone, really. IP never forgave me b/c I dared tool on her love for 80's music. She didn't have very thick skin.
There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics.
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I can't give you a shit load of history because my memory is for shit. But, there are a few fond memories I have...
Upuauat was a cool cat when I first joined He kind of took me under his wing and would help me to understand shit that was going on. These were the days when the board was actually interesting and it was new to me, so I wanted to know how people fit in and shit. Anyhoo, Upuauat and Sean had a staged fight one day and I was all caught up in it because I didn't know they knew each other and had no idea who Sean was. Long story short, Sean said the no leg comment and I believed it, having never met Upuaut...
Other stories? Well, there's my claim to fame the 'Using the board while working" thread. Which truly was just another thread, but grew to immense proportions as Howie's Ground Control thread became the monstrousity it was. Howie and I had a friendly competition going to see who could have the longest thread. The funny thing was, we would each post in the other's thread.
My fondest memories...
Fighting with opak until he ran away like the little bitch he was
Arguing with froy and just causing a ruckus in general
Getting banned and then mysteriously unbanned...
I won't say that I was the most banned person, but froy definitely had it in for me. He was dying to find a reason to ban me so that I couldn't be allowed back.
In the end, the board was a lot of fun for a long time. But, it did eventually run its course. The people that made the board interesting in the first place left when the rules started. (Sound familiar?) Some of us fought to keep the board the way it was, but old matty boy just didn't listen. So, the board became overrun with the people that you know now, and it was changed forever.
I can tell the Kid Story. :bouncer:
Bitch at people - Banned
Complain about everything - Banned
Tells all posters their threads are of no quality - Banned
Challenged Froy - Banned for good
Ahhhh memroies......I remember my first post. It was in enimies(sp) of the show. That's where'd I'd be most of time when I first started. That place helped get me through some boring times down in mississippi. I had the most fun on the weekends when the 12 packs of Budwieser and stacker 2 pills would keep me up and posting all night. The only "mod" I ever had a problem with was just jackassjon when he ripped me for asking a very simple question. I was so happy when that fuckhead got demodded.
I've got a ton of stories as well. Maybe next weekend when I don't have to work, the sam adams light and xenadrine efx will flow :-D