Thank you. This has been a public service annoucement brought to you by Ronin, your favorite neighborhood mercenary.
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Thank you. This has been a public service annoucement brought to you by Ronin, your favorite neighborhood mercenary.
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Thank you. This has been a public service annoucement brought to you by Ronin, your favorite neighborhood mercenary.
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Thank you. This has been a public service annoucement brought to you by Ronin, your favorite neighborhood mercenary.
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ok....this past weekend i went foodshopping and saw a japanese family at the of the kids...a girl...was a melonhead...she had a hockey helmet on with a full faceshield.......and yes...i wanted to violate her
i really did see it and my wife thought she was gonna have to carry me out of the store!
Its easy to get laid. All they know about us is what they see in movies and think we all look the same. There is only 40,000 white people in Japan at any given time. There isn't enough room there to allow anyone to move there.
If you get outside of Tokyo, you are going to be the only white boy for miles and every china doll is goin to want some honkie dick. And Asian men are so fucking ugly.