i don't think a 20 second snippet of conversation counts as a theory. and she didn't really say anything that's not true. i certainly don't think acknowledging the fact that american tourists are often seen as loud and obnoxious overseas makes somebody "unamerican"
I am rather disgusted with this bitch's disdain for the American, that she hates how annoying, disgusting, and uncouth we Americans are.
I, on the other hand, rather enjoy the antics of our society. It lets me know that we still have freedom running around. I would much rather have a free country that allows a person to act as stupid and repugnant as they are willing than a country that forces its citizens to behave in a particular fashion.
I like Dennis Miller's take on Americans.
Quote:The real tactical mistake the terrorists made in trying to disrupt our society was that, in attacking us in such a monstrous public way, they brought us together. And if there's one thing we Americans have learned from decades of public beaches, traffic jams, and crowded shopping malls after Thanksgiving, it's that we hate being together. And that's why were gonna fight like hell to restore our God-given right to get the fuck out of each other's faces.
she didn't say she hated it, she said she understood why people in other countries feel the way they do. now, stop trying to make me have a serious discussion, i'm not in the mood.
do you hear the way she says "some American"? As if to say she's no longer one? And then the "shut up!" after her kaaaatchup quote? She's not only understanding, she's agreeing. I'd have no problem if she simply changed American with "some asshole", cuz she's alluding to someone who sounds like a dumb asshole, but is labeling Americans as being said assholes.