you morons dont understand that you cant buy the gravy in a store. it's homemade.
This is what you need to do too make real italian gravy:
In a large pot, place the tomato puree, tomato paste, chicken
or beef stock, and wine. Heat a large frying pan and add the olive oil.
Saute the onions, garlic, celery, and carrot until they justs begin to
brown a bit. Add to the pot along with the remaining ingredients. Bring
to a light boil and then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for 2 hours, partly
covered, stirring often. Remove the bones and discard or make a private
lunch of them. Skim the fat from the top and discard.
Store in the refigerator covered in either glass, plastic, or
stainless stell. It will keep for a week. Use for pasta topping or for
any other dish calling for Italian tomato sauce or 'graby'. This freezes
very well
So i guess all those times my mom made sauce it was really gravy. I'm going to have to smack that wop bitch into next week for getting me confused all these years.
Quote:you morons dont understand that you cant buy the gravy in a store. it's homemade.
This is what you need to do too make real italian gravy:
In a large pot, place the tomato puree, tomato paste, chicken
or beef stock, and wine. Heat a large frying pan and add the olive oil.
Saute the onions, garlic, celery, and carrot until they justs begin to
brown a bit. Add to the pot along with the remaining ingredients. Bring
to a light boil and then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for 2 hours, partly
covered, stirring often. Remove the bones and discard or make a private
lunch of them. Skim the fat from the top and discard.
Store in the refigerator covered in either glass, plastic, or
stainless stell. It will keep for a week. Use for pasta topping or for
any other dish calling for Italian tomato sauce or 'graby'. This freezes
very well
PatCooper Wrote:Alot of Italians that were born and raised in Italy and came too America call "Italian Gravy" Red Sauce also. Now you can argue about that.
So what do the wops from the old country call White sauce?
A lot of spanish speaking people mistakenly call a watch a clock. This really stems from the fact that there is no separate word for watch in spanish.
I wonder if this whole gravy vs. sauce debate can be boiled (no pun intended) down to getting lost in translation. Especially since "gravy" is hardly an italian word. So you non-assimilating motherfuckers, what's the Italian word for "gravy" and further what's the Italian word for "sauce"?
**EDIT - HA! According to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, "gravy" and "sauce" both translate to "la salsa" in Italian. So there. You dumb fucks eat your noodles with salsa.