My first office party: whiskey on an empty stomach. Mom coming to get me in Philadelphia, stone cold drunk. (didnt know how to drink yet)....
How do you spell embarassment. I think I passed out on the mail room floor.
One of my last office parties, I wasn't there to get the raffle I had won....a magnum of Champagne and a $50.00 gift certificate to Lord & Taylor's, 16 years ago.
Then I had a baby, no interesting parties at part time jobs and such.
fast_cheap_outofcontrol Wrote:I work harder at home than I did in any office. Office work is child's play. Work at home is women's work.
Please, someone, give me a job so I can rest.
Are you sure about that? office environments destroy the spirit, you breathe stale air for 8 hours, people bitch and moan all day long and the most exciting conversations are about the weather in the elevators.
we had our tonight at one of the brazilian steakhouses in the city. i think this one was porcua or something. everyone in my company is generally in their late 20s and early 30s so its just like a normal night out hanging with friends. i worked for a bland corporation for 5 years and this place is the total opposite. i actually look forward to going to work everyday now.
My first Christmas party was in '02. I had worked graveyard shift for 7 months. Weeks prior to the party, the graveyard shift was informed that arrangements would be made that would allow them to atend the party, even if they were scheduled to work that night (which I was).
So on the night of the party my friend and I went next door to a bar and watched the Saturday night Eagles-Cowboys game before entering the party at the bar/restaurant next door. When we initially entered, we were greeted by the main HR person, who had no idea who we were. A couple of minutes later we were vouched for and she pointed us toward the open bar.
Now to me, the phrase "open bar" is just a synonym for "all you can drink". Which of course I did. Until about midnight, when my spineless, powerless boss (the same one I blasted ass on) asked me if I was ready to go back to work. I said no - I've been drinking hardcore for 4 fucking hours! He just grunted, bit his lip and walked away. I ordered a couple more drinks then next thing I know I was being driven to work. When we got there I was hanging out with a couple of friends/coworkers and was leaning back in a chair. Then I fell over, and passed out for 4 hours. From what I've been told, the VP came into the office to drop some leftover cake off and they stacked some chairs up in front of me to block him from seeing me.
I woke up at 5am (somehow with one sock on) when a guy came in for his shift. I heard the door open, saw him walking towards me and puked more than I ever have in my life, all over the carpet. Then I rolled over and passed out again. I awoke 2 hours later when someone else entered, puked a little bit more, then passed out until I finally awoke for good at 10. I had a piece of cake, got picked up and went home. The stain remained in the carpet for 2-3 months. A mormon tech ended up cleaning it up because the cleaning crew apparently refused to go near it. And this was at an enormously micro-managed company that that took the smallest imaginable problem and blew it completely out of proportion. Yet nothing was ever mentioned about the giant stinky stain on the carpet.
The following year, their Christmas party was a meal at a nice steakhouse, with no open bar and zero alcohol. Thanks to me.
Then tonight was my third party. Fucking gay. Decent food, very limited bar. Ended up having to drink 6 miller lites in an hour and a half while everyone else drank a glass of wine and left. Apparently I'm alone in my interpretation of "open bar". But after 6 beers I'm not just gonna stop. So I met some people at another bar, watched the game and had 4 25-ouncers. I lost a bet taking Seattle straight up so owed my roommate a steak at the restaurant across the street from us, where I had some more drinks.
But yeah, office parties are only as good as the people you work with.
Bloody Anus Wrote:My first Christmas party was in '02. I had worked graveyard shift for 7 months. Weeks prior to the party, the graveyard shift was informed that arrangements would be made that would allow them to atend the party, even if they were scheduled to work that night (which I was).
So on the night of the party my friend and I went next door to a bar and watched the Saturday night Eagles-Cowboys game before entering the party at the bar/restaurant next door. When we initially entered, we were greeted by the main HR person, who had no idea who we were. A couple of minutes later we were vouched for and she pointed us toward the open bar.
Now to me, the phrase "open bar" is just a synonym for "all you can drink". Which of course I did. Until about midnight, when my spineless, powerless boss (the same one I blasted ass on) asked me if I was ready to go back to work. I said no - I've been drinking hardcore for 4 fucking hours! He just grunted, bit his lip and walked away. I ordered a couple more drinks then next thing I know I was being driven to work. When we got there I was hanging out with a couple of friends/coworkers and was leaning back in a chair. Then I fell over, and passed out for 4 hours. From what I've been told, the VP came into the office to drop some leftover cake off and they stacked some chairs up in front of me to block him from seeing me.
I woke up at 5am (somehow with one sock on) when a guy came in for his shift. I heard the door open, saw him walking towards me and puked more than I ever have in my life, all over the carpet. Then I rolled over and passed out again. I awoke 2 hours later when someone else entered, puked a little bit more, then passed out until I finally awoke for good at 10. I had a piece of cake, got picked up and went home. The stain remained in the carpet for 2-3 months. A mormon tech ended up cleaning it up because the cleaning crew apparently refused to go near it. And this was at an enormously micro-managed company that that took the smallest imaginable problem and blew it completely out of proportion. Yet nothing was ever mentioned about the giant stinky stain on the carpet.
The following year, their Christmas party was a meal at a nice steakhouse, with no open bar and zero alcohol. Thanks to me.
Then tonight was my third party. Fucking gay. Decent food, very limited bar. Ended up having to drink 6 miller lites in an hour and a half while everyone else drank a glass of wine and left. Apparently I'm alone in my interpretation of "open bar". But after 6 beers I'm not just gonna stop. So I met some people at another bar, watched the game and had 4 25-ouncers. I lost a bet taking Seattle straight up so owed my roommate a steak at the restaurant across the street from us, where I had some more drinks.
But yeah, office parties are only as good as the people you work with.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one to "overdo" drinking at an office party. It's a shame though, that the big boss lady, who had a swanky apartment in Center City, had to lug me to her apartment and then call Mom to come and get her baby.....I was 20 at the time, so that's my only excuse....youthful happiness......