08-01-2002, 03:31 PM
i too was alseep when the first plane hit. i was walking out of my room and in to my living room, and i saw my father and sister staring at the tv with a horrific look on their faces. i glanced back to see what they were watching, and for a split second i thought they were watching the end of fight club. once my eyes ajusted, i was like, wait, in the movie its night time when the buildings explode...and then i realized that it was twin towers. at that moment i fell to my knees , and watched the second plane hit. i remeber just gasping and looking at my dad and i saying "daddy make it stop..." i felt like i was a little grrl and that my dad could make this all stop and make it all ok. but he couldn't. no one could. i remeber just being completely numb that whole day...i didn't want to talk or look at anyone. even though i had my people around me, i just felt so alone and so sad. at about noon, i called all my friends and some family to just make sure that all of them and their loved ones were ok...i feel so lucky that everyone i know was not harmed on that awful day. i remeber the silence i got when i talked to a few friends that live in hoboken and were like Doc, up on the point at stevens when it all went down...seeing it on televison was bad enough...i could not even imagine actually seeing it happen, or to be like BM and actually be there.