08-21-2002, 03:50 PM
Quote:...and don't you worry Maynard. I won't be starting any threads again. You can thank yourself and your flippant comments for that.
And that is EXACLTY what we don't need. Damn it, we need MORE people starting threads. I'm tired of looking down the column of Topic Starters and only seeing four or five names on the whole fucking page. And the same names all the time.
Luna, PLEASE start a thread when the inspiration hits you. And that goes for everyone. I don't care if it's not the funniest thng around, or the most informative, or whatever. How often to threads stay on topic normally? how often do they take on a life of their own and go off in some new and interesting direction? (At least when certain self-righteuos members don't feel a personal obligation to shit on them as soon as possibel, anyway.)