08-27-2002, 12:05 AM
i can't really think of anything profound that i have done for my friends at the moment...but i will do anything for them at anytime, anywhere. like gonzo said, i also will return tenfold whatever i "get" from them. they have given me so much, emotionally and physically. i rarely ask my friends for anything, but i know if i needed something they would do it for me in a heartbeat. i love my friends, i don't know where i would be with out them. and i tell them how much i love them every chance i get. every so often, i either make, or buy them a card and mail it to them, just to let them know the are appricated. they always call me and i can hear the smile on their face when they thank me for it. that makes it all worth while. i guess i just like to make people happy. i mean, wouldn't you be happy to come home on an average day, look through your mail and find all bills, then a card from a friend telling them how much they value your precence their life? im lucky to have them...why not them know...