09-03-2002, 06:29 PM
why wouldn't anyone think of it?
perhaps you ARE a bit too P.C. to me, there's a lot of shit in this world that's more offensive than that t-shirt, jokes about the holocaust and racial jokes. People being killed for their beliefs is apalling(sp?). People being enslaved is horrible. People being held against their will for being from a certain country or belief structure, etc. these are the things to get angry about, not what someone has on their t-shirt.
get angry about the fact that there's a fucking PETA, but no PETH(umans). There's a "GreenPeace", but where's the "PeoplePeace"?
People get off on these ideallistic ventures thinking that they'll make the world a better place by saving the planet or animals, or by not hurting someone's feelings. The bottom line, your feelings don't mean shit to a crack baby or a kid in foster care because his parents didn't want him.
Seriously, get off of your overly-sensitive "this is offensive" high-fucking-horse and spend your time worrying about something a bit more substantial.
perhaps you ARE a bit too P.C. to me, there's a lot of shit in this world that's more offensive than that t-shirt, jokes about the holocaust and racial jokes. People being killed for their beliefs is apalling(sp?). People being enslaved is horrible. People being held against their will for being from a certain country or belief structure, etc. these are the things to get angry about, not what someone has on their t-shirt.
get angry about the fact that there's a fucking PETA, but no PETH(umans). There's a "GreenPeace", but where's the "PeoplePeace"?
People get off on these ideallistic ventures thinking that they'll make the world a better place by saving the planet or animals, or by not hurting someone's feelings. The bottom line, your feelings don't mean shit to a crack baby or a kid in foster care because his parents didn't want him.
Seriously, get off of your overly-sensitive "this is offensive" high-fucking-horse and spend your time worrying about something a bit more substantial.