10-23-2002, 06:37 AM
both your colleges suck :-p
did i mention my problem with runon sentences?
Quote:I think WAY WAY too much. I have that same problem as sleeper in that when i go to bed i usually stay awake thinking and overanalyzing whatever shit is going on in my life.i've done this for as long as i can remember. when i was little i'd get myself all worked up trying to figure out what comes after the universe and trying to fathom all that stuff. my mum's solution was to read the bible or do rosary until i fell asleep, but the solution i had was when i started getting upset to start working backwards in my mind and figure out how i managed to wander to that point and it usually ended up back to thinking about something real trivial, by which time i'd fallen asleep. either that or i don't go to bed without the tv or music on.
did i mention my problem with runon sentences?