10-23-2002, 02:11 PM
Quote:Or I just have a feeling some of you people don't like me or whateverI like you gonzy, always have. I enjoy AIM chats also, but much like everyone else I feel like I'm bothering someone if I AIM them for no reason. I do welcome all conversations, but most times people ask me for some kind of tech or gaming advice - which I don't ever mind giving, but sometimes ya just wanna shoot the shit. Speaking of tech stuff...
Quote:I don't have AIM at work due to the gestapo like NT security they have set up hereI feel your pain. Have you tried Quick Buddy? I can only use QB at work, because AE uses a newer form of Java and I'm also not allowed to update it on my machine - but it works well.
Quote:my grandparents came over to the US. from the Ukraine in the early 1950'sANOTHER Ukie on the board? How many of us are there here?
When I was young I used to be able to speak and Understand Ukrainian as easily as I do English now. I was born in Queens and raised in America, but my grandparents always made an effort to speak to me in Ukrainian to make sure I learned it. We also saw them very often in those days, so I picked up on it easily. Over the years, we saw less and less of them, and my mom never spoke it to me at home - as a result, I lost the ability to speak it. I can still understand some of it when its spoken to me, but most times I find myself feeling stupid and embarrassed that I can't totally understand what my grandparents say to me. I also miss the days when I was young. We used to go to church on Easter and have the easter baskets blessed by the Ukie priests, and then eat like pigs the next day. Those were great days, and life was so much simpler...