10-16-2002, 03:43 AM
Someone needs to learn the definition of serial
Responsible for a series of usually criminal acts over a period of time.
A sudden indulgence in or outburst of an activity.
This is not a sudden outburst, this is calculated, this is precise, he is not doing this on the spur of the moment, he makes Damn sure he has plenty of escape routes, I would not doubt he has a police scanner and checks to see what roads they are going after.
Responsible for a series of usually criminal acts over a period of time.
A sudden indulgence in or outburst of an activity.
This is not a sudden outburst, this is calculated, this is precise, he is not doing this on the spur of the moment, he makes Damn sure he has plenty of escape routes, I would not doubt he has a police scanner and checks to see what roads they are going after.