01-14-2003, 10:23 PM
I have one son. Truthfully, I didn't really "decide", it was more that it was expected. I was 25, pretty young by today's standards when people are waiting til their 30s, newly married and hooked on the whole family thing. I'm an only child who married into a family with 4 kids, and had never even been a babysitter.
I stayed home for the first 4 years of my son's life, then I got divorced and had to put him in pre-school so I could go back to work. It was tough, but it's to the point now where if you DON'T put your child in daycare, he ends up lagging behind because they put so much emphasis on learning.
Anyway, he's almost 12 now. For the most part I love him to pieces, but sometimes (less this year than last year) he can really get under my skin.
I always thought I wanted 2 or 3 kids, but after raising one on my own, I'm glad I don't have more. I don't have the patience for it.
If I knew then what I know now, and could live with the decision, I wouldn't have any. While it's worth it, it definitely puts a damper on your life, although my 2 dogs and a cat also put a damper on things. Do I miss not being able to just do what I want, when I want? Of course...who wouldn't? But you adjust.
For those of you who think kids mean going to bed by 9, that's just not so. After they go to bed is when you have to get all your stuff done. :lol:
I stayed home for the first 4 years of my son's life, then I got divorced and had to put him in pre-school so I could go back to work. It was tough, but it's to the point now where if you DON'T put your child in daycare, he ends up lagging behind because they put so much emphasis on learning.
Anyway, he's almost 12 now. For the most part I love him to pieces, but sometimes (less this year than last year) he can really get under my skin.
I always thought I wanted 2 or 3 kids, but after raising one on my own, I'm glad I don't have more. I don't have the patience for it.
If I knew then what I know now, and could live with the decision, I wouldn't have any. While it's worth it, it definitely puts a damper on your life, although my 2 dogs and a cat also put a damper on things. Do I miss not being able to just do what I want, when I want? Of course...who wouldn't? But you adjust.
For those of you who think kids mean going to bed by 9, that's just not so. After they go to bed is when you have to get all your stuff done. :lol: