04-28-2003, 06:25 AM
0600, got up
0630, left the house for work and giggled at the note left on my car for parking too close to someone and being inconsiderate to some cunt with a Honda.
0650, got to work and started my day.
0710, smoked my first at work cigarette.
0745, had anothe smoke.
0815 went out and bought breakfast for the crew.
0900, Breakfast is served. Egg sandwiches
1210,lit the grill on the front porch, went out to buy lunch and more smokes.
1330, lunch is served. Somewhere in this mess I yelled at the TV as the Mets were getting embarassed and cursed Mo Vaughns overweight ass.
1630 got yelled at by my boss for being rude to a customer.
1825 relieved of duty and off to home.
2045 arrive at girlfriends house after goofing off online at home.
2100 romantic evening begins
0043 romantic evening continues
0224 telling you my day. :39: :38: :39:
Edited By JimmyBlueEyes on 1051511387
0630, left the house for work and giggled at the note left on my car for parking too close to someone and being inconsiderate to some cunt with a Honda.
0650, got to work and started my day.
0710, smoked my first at work cigarette.
0745, had anothe smoke.
0815 went out and bought breakfast for the crew.
0900, Breakfast is served. Egg sandwiches
1210,lit the grill on the front porch, went out to buy lunch and more smokes.
1330, lunch is served. Somewhere in this mess I yelled at the TV as the Mets were getting embarassed and cursed Mo Vaughns overweight ass.
1630 got yelled at by my boss for being rude to a customer.
1825 relieved of duty and off to home.
2045 arrive at girlfriends house after goofing off online at home.
2100 romantic evening begins
0043 romantic evening continues
0224 telling you my day. :39: :38: :39:
Edited By JimmyBlueEyes on 1051511387
We're all going to Hell and I'm driving the bus!!!!