06-11-2003, 02:29 PM
could it be that the translation is not as simple as you think?
your thought process is in english........a beaner thinks in spanish...
they may semi have a grip on the english language but shit gets fucked up in the translation and comes out sounding extremely silly.
i'm saying this because i was at one point fluent in spanish(i fully understand it when spoken to me, i can read and write it, but i can no longer speak it)......and since my thought process is strictly english i don't dare attempt to speak spanish.......because i know that the beaners would be laughing at me the same way we laugh at them when they try to speak english.
your thought process is in english........a beaner thinks in spanish...
they may semi have a grip on the english language but shit gets fucked up in the translation and comes out sounding extremely silly.
i'm saying this because i was at one point fluent in spanish(i fully understand it when spoken to me, i can read and write it, but i can no longer speak it)......and since my thought process is strictly english i don't dare attempt to speak spanish.......because i know that the beaners would be laughing at me the same way we laugh at them when they try to speak english.