08-07-2003, 12:46 AM
... I bet that a wrestler can take out a boxer.
What kind of dumbass walks up to girls as says "Hey, I wrestle. Do you wanna fuck me?"
Who does that in any sport?
But you are wrong, because you fail to realize the physique you are able to acheive through wrestling. A guy with ripped abs, well developed arms and legs has a better likelihood of getting pussy than a guy who has no tone whatsoever.
But nobody usually participates in sports, or any hobby for that matter, with the attitude of "well, I'm doing it for the pussy!"
Quote:lets put it this way, high school wrestling never got anybody laid
What kind of dumbass walks up to girls as says "Hey, I wrestle. Do you wanna fuck me?"
Who does that in any sport?
But you are wrong, because you fail to realize the physique you are able to acheive through wrestling. A guy with ripped abs, well developed arms and legs has a better likelihood of getting pussy than a guy who has no tone whatsoever.
But nobody usually participates in sports, or any hobby for that matter, with the attitude of "well, I'm doing it for the pussy!"