08-13-2003, 02:58 AM
FUBU remains the defiant aspect of balck culture adopted by white people. Never before has there been a more outright statement against white people stealing black culture than existed with FUBU. I agree, their time is done, but it is not forgotten. Hell, I wish that black and white people would join hands in the irradication(sp?) of white kids wearing "wave caps". "You do not have, nor will you ever have, "waves". It's just not something that occurs with fine, straight, hair.
And yes, I realize that the purported definition of the acronym FUBU is For Us By Us, meaning for street people by street people... however, I think we can all read a bit into it considering it is a company run by blacks and latinos...
And yes, I realize that the purported definition of the acronym FUBU is For Us By Us, meaning for street people by street people... however, I think we can all read a bit into it considering it is a company run by blacks and latinos...