09-08-2003, 11:10 AM
Quote:psssshaw, I am not a republican, democrat, conservative, compasionate or any of those other labels.Right. I'm not suggesting you're a member of the LP, but what you wrote there may as well have been written by Harry Browne. Cut government spending, it's the libertarian way. The Bush way is to cut taxes and increase spending. Decrease the flow of money going into government, but increase the amount they spend. On what planet does that make sense? Would anyone take a pay cut, then run out and buy a Benz?
I just prefer facts and common sense.
So yeah, the GOP used to be the party of less government spending. They're also the party that fought Clinton on many proposed Big Brother-esque legislations during his time in office, calling them too intrusive, only to pass the PATRIOT act once one of theirs was in office. Ashcroft's still pushing for PATRIOT II. If that gets passed, we may as well forget that the word "freedom" ever existed...