09-30-2003, 10:17 PM
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:46 PM]: hey
OApoll [5:46 PM]: Hi
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:46 PM]: hows ur nite?
OApoll [5:47 PM]: ok
OApoll [5:47 PM]: and yours?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:47 PM]: mine great
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:47 PM]: whats ur asl again hun?
OApoll [5:47 PM]: 15/f/ny
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:47 PM]: 15/m/nj
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:48 PM]: u got a pic?
OApoll [5:48 PM]: I don't like sending my pics to people I don't know
OApoll [5:48 PM]: guys can be rude at times
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:48 PM]: mim not m i?
OApoll [5:48 PM]: what?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:48 PM]: m i rude?
OApoll [5:49 PM]: I don't know you
OApoll [5:49 PM]: sorry I'm not down with the latest AOL slang
OApoll [5:49 PM]: hehehe
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:49 PM]: its ok
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:49 PM]: if we still talk ill teach u lil by lil
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:49 PM]: ok?
OApoll [5:49 PM]: teach me all you know
OApoll [5:49 PM]: hehe
OApoll [5:49 PM]: I like to be taught
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: u no what lol means?
OApoll [5:50 PM]: yes, lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: ok
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: lmao?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: laughin my ass offf=lmao
OApoll [5:51 PM]: I know the basics, like lol and lmao and that
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: yw=ur welcome
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: s2r=send a pic 2 recieve a pic
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: ty=thank u
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: ummm thats about it
OApoll [5:51 PM]: ooh
OApoll [5:51 PM]: sounds cool
OApoll [5:51 PM]: ty
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: yw
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: lol
OApoll [5:52 PM]: lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: yvmw
OApoll [5:52 PM]: so what else can you teach me?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: ur very much welcome
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: w/e=whatever
OApoll [5:52 PM]: w/e, hmmm
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: ohhhh
OApoll [5:52 PM]: well what do you wanna teach me?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: what ya wanna no?
OApoll [5:53 PM]: I PM a sponge, I will soak up whatever you teach me
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: umm i dont no what else
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: u no what asl means?
OApoll [5:53 PM]: yes
OApoll [5:53 PM]: 15/f/ny
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: yea
OApoll [5:54 PM]: hehehe
OApoll [5:54 PM]: I know something
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: well if there nething else u dont no what it means ask me im always online
OApoll [5:54 PM]: I'm not totally stupid, lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: i didnt say that
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: lol
OApoll [5:54 PM]: awww you are so sweet
OApoll [5:54 PM]: (Kiss)
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]:
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: ty
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: *kisses ya back*
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: ill put u on my bl(buddylist)
OApoll [5:55 PM]: awww
OApoll [5:55 PM]: I will too
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: ok
OApoll [5:55 PM]: you are soooo cute
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: ty
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: wish i could c a pic of u 2 tell u
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: that ur cute
OApoll [5:56 PM]: Maybe if we get to know eachother better, I'll send you my pics
OApoll [5:56 PM]: maybe my special pics
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:56 PM]: ::puppyface wit the wattery eyes::
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:56 PM]: plz
OApoll [5:56 PM]: tee hee, the wait will be worth it.
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:56 PM]: aww comon hun
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:57 PM]: plz?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:57 PM]: jus send me 1 good 1 and save te rest as like treats
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:57 PM]: if i do sumtin u like u send a pic
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: plz hun
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: just 1 pic now
OApoll [5:58 PM]: You are so cute but not tonight, maybe in a couple of days.
OApoll [5:58 PM]: we just met, take it slow.
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: :'(
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: just 1
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: just 1 pic of ur whole body
OApoll [5:59 PM]: My whole body?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: yea
OApoll [5:59 PM]: you like that?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: yea
OApoll [5:59 PM]: you wanna see my body and stare at it?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: uh huh
OApoll [5:59 PM]: what else will you do?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: tell u how fine u look
OApoll [6:00 PM]: that's it?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:00 PM]: umm what else u want me 2 do?
OApoll [6:00 PM]: I dunno, be creative.
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: ill do w.e u want me 2 do
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: r u naughty or a good gurl?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: just askin 2 c what mu limits r
OApoll [6:01 PM]: mmmm I can be a naughty girl
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: ok good
OApoll [6:02 PM]: I can be very naughty
OApoll [6:02 PM]: how naughty are you?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:02 PM]: ok very good
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:02 PM]: more then u hehe
OApoll [6:02 PM]: really?
OApoll [6:02 PM]: what are you wearing now?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:02 PM]: boxers
OApoll [6:02 PM]: mister naughty boy, lol
OApoll [6:02 PM]: oooohhh
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: lol
OApoll [6:03 PM]: I love guys in boxers
OApoll [6:03 PM]: yummy
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: lol hehe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: hey babe i think im gonna go now
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: we have 2 talk about this when i get back on
OApoll [6:03 PM]: too hot for you?
OApoll [6:03 PM]: lol ok
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: hell no
OApoll [6:03 PM]: night sweetie
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: were just gettin started
OApoll [6:03 PM]: I understand
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: wait
OApoll [6:03 PM]: it's ok
OApoll [6:03 PM]: no, it's ok
OApoll [6:03 PM]: happens to a lot of guys
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:04 PM]: cab u just send me a good naked pic and i can have a good drePM
OApoll [6:04 PM]: Maybe tommorow if you are naughty enough with me, hehe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:04 PM]: plz
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:04 PM]: hun
OApoll [6:04 PM]: hee hee
OApoll [6:05 PM]: (kiss) maybe tommorow
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: ok what iff i get naughty 4 u now
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: 4 5min
OApoll [6:05 PM]: no the mood is not the sPMe after you wussed out on me. We'll try again tommorow mistar naughty pants.
OApoll [6:05 PM]: I'm sleepy now anyway
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: pl zbabe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: i wanna c apic of u
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]: plz
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]:
OApoll [6:06 PM]: buck up little trooper, it happens to a lot of boys. The first time is always scary.
OApoll [6:06 PM]: we'll try again tommorow
OApoll [6:06 PM]: night
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]: babe dont leave
OApoll [6:06 PM]: (kiss)
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]: plz
OApoll [6:07 PM]: I'll see you tommorow, I PM always on sugar.
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: just send 1
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: thats all i ask 1
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: plz hunny
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: i wont b able 2 sleep
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: :-[
OApoll [6:07 PM]: you're smooth to get a pic but not smooth to get me wet. You will suffer alongside me.
OApoll [6:07 PM]: till next time
OApoll [6:07 PM]: nighty nite
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: babe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: no
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: ill get u wet
OApoll [6:08 PM]: too late now, I PM drier than a desert.
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: plz hunny
OApoll [6:08 PM]: it's late
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: just 1 more time
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: plz
OApoll [6:08 PM]: my daddy is gonna come it and he'll beat me like he always does.
OApoll [6:08 PM]: I have to go
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: ok hun
OApoll [6:08 PM]: nite
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: u promise ull send tomorrow?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: ill get ur really wet huny
OApoll [6:09 PM]: we'll see how naughty you are. now bye before my daddy comes in and hits me again like last night.
OApoll [6:09 PM]: ok baby
OApoll [6:09 PM]: nite
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: ill beat ur dads ass he touches u
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: swet drePMs
OApoll [6:09 PM]: thanks
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: uh huh bye babe
OApoll [6:09 PM]: OH NO HE'S COMING!!!!!!
OApoll [6:09 PM]: bye
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: bye
OApoll [5:46 PM]: Hi
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:46 PM]: hows ur nite?
OApoll [5:47 PM]: ok
OApoll [5:47 PM]: and yours?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:47 PM]: mine great
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:47 PM]: whats ur asl again hun?
OApoll [5:47 PM]: 15/f/ny
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:47 PM]: 15/m/nj
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:48 PM]: u got a pic?
OApoll [5:48 PM]: I don't like sending my pics to people I don't know
OApoll [5:48 PM]: guys can be rude at times
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:48 PM]: mim not m i?
OApoll [5:48 PM]: what?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:48 PM]: m i rude?
OApoll [5:49 PM]: I don't know you
OApoll [5:49 PM]: sorry I'm not down with the latest AOL slang
OApoll [5:49 PM]: hehehe
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:49 PM]: its ok
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:49 PM]: if we still talk ill teach u lil by lil
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:49 PM]: ok?
OApoll [5:49 PM]: teach me all you know
OApoll [5:49 PM]: hehe
OApoll [5:49 PM]: I like to be taught
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: u no what lol means?
OApoll [5:50 PM]: yes, lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: ok
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: lmao?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:50 PM]: laughin my ass offf=lmao
OApoll [5:51 PM]: I know the basics, like lol and lmao and that
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: yw=ur welcome
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: s2r=send a pic 2 recieve a pic
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: ty=thank u
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:51 PM]: ummm thats about it
OApoll [5:51 PM]: ooh
OApoll [5:51 PM]: sounds cool
OApoll [5:51 PM]: ty
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: yw
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: lol
OApoll [5:52 PM]: lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: yvmw
OApoll [5:52 PM]: so what else can you teach me?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: ur very much welcome
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: w/e=whatever
OApoll [5:52 PM]: w/e, hmmm
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: ohhhh
OApoll [5:52 PM]: well what do you wanna teach me?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:52 PM]: lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: what ya wanna no?
OApoll [5:53 PM]: I PM a sponge, I will soak up whatever you teach me
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: umm i dont no what else
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:53 PM]: u no what asl means?
OApoll [5:53 PM]: yes
OApoll [5:53 PM]: 15/f/ny
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: yea
OApoll [5:54 PM]: hehehe
OApoll [5:54 PM]: I know something
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: well if there nething else u dont no what it means ask me im always online
OApoll [5:54 PM]: I'm not totally stupid, lol
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: i didnt say that
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: lol
OApoll [5:54 PM]: awww you are so sweet
OApoll [5:54 PM]: (Kiss)
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]:

IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: ty
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:54 PM]: *kisses ya back*
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: ill put u on my bl(buddylist)
OApoll [5:55 PM]: awww
OApoll [5:55 PM]: I will too
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: ok
OApoll [5:55 PM]: you are soooo cute
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: ty
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: wish i could c a pic of u 2 tell u
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:55 PM]: that ur cute
OApoll [5:56 PM]: Maybe if we get to know eachother better, I'll send you my pics
OApoll [5:56 PM]: maybe my special pics
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:56 PM]: ::puppyface wit the wattery eyes::
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:56 PM]: plz
OApoll [5:56 PM]: tee hee, the wait will be worth it.
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:56 PM]: aww comon hun
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:57 PM]: plz?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:57 PM]: jus send me 1 good 1 and save te rest as like treats
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:57 PM]: if i do sumtin u like u send a pic
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: plz hun
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: just 1 pic now
OApoll [5:58 PM]: You are so cute but not tonight, maybe in a couple of days.
OApoll [5:58 PM]: we just met, take it slow.
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: :'(
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: just 1
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:58 PM]: just 1 pic of ur whole body
OApoll [5:59 PM]: My whole body?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: yea
OApoll [5:59 PM]: you like that?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: yea
OApoll [5:59 PM]: you wanna see my body and stare at it?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: uh huh
OApoll [5:59 PM]: what else will you do?
IVIustangSVT2002 [5:59 PM]: tell u how fine u look
OApoll [6:00 PM]: that's it?

IVIustangSVT2002 [6:00 PM]: umm what else u want me 2 do?
OApoll [6:00 PM]: I dunno, be creative.
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: ill do w.e u want me 2 do
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: r u naughty or a good gurl?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: just askin 2 c what mu limits r
OApoll [6:01 PM]: mmmm I can be a naughty girl
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:01 PM]: ok good
OApoll [6:02 PM]: I can be very naughty
OApoll [6:02 PM]: how naughty are you?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:02 PM]: ok very good
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:02 PM]: more then u hehe
OApoll [6:02 PM]: really?
OApoll [6:02 PM]: what are you wearing now?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:02 PM]: boxers
OApoll [6:02 PM]: mister naughty boy, lol
OApoll [6:02 PM]: oooohhh
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: lol
OApoll [6:03 PM]: I love guys in boxers
OApoll [6:03 PM]: yummy
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: lol hehe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: hey babe i think im gonna go now
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: we have 2 talk about this when i get back on
OApoll [6:03 PM]: too hot for you?
OApoll [6:03 PM]: lol ok
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: hell no
OApoll [6:03 PM]: night sweetie
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: were just gettin started
OApoll [6:03 PM]: I understand
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:03 PM]: wait
OApoll [6:03 PM]: it's ok
OApoll [6:03 PM]: no, it's ok
OApoll [6:03 PM]: happens to a lot of guys
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:04 PM]: cab u just send me a good naked pic and i can have a good drePM
OApoll [6:04 PM]: Maybe tommorow if you are naughty enough with me, hehe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:04 PM]: plz
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:04 PM]: hun
OApoll [6:04 PM]: hee hee
OApoll [6:05 PM]: (kiss) maybe tommorow
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: ok what iff i get naughty 4 u now
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: 4 5min
OApoll [6:05 PM]: no the mood is not the sPMe after you wussed out on me. We'll try again tommorow mistar naughty pants.
OApoll [6:05 PM]: I'm sleepy now anyway
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: pl zbabe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:05 PM]: i wanna c apic of u
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]: plz
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]:

OApoll [6:06 PM]: buck up little trooper, it happens to a lot of boys. The first time is always scary.
OApoll [6:06 PM]: we'll try again tommorow
OApoll [6:06 PM]: night
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]: babe dont leave
OApoll [6:06 PM]: (kiss)
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:06 PM]: plz
OApoll [6:07 PM]: I'll see you tommorow, I PM always on sugar.
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: just send 1
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: thats all i ask 1
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: plz hunny
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: i wont b able 2 sleep
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: :-[
OApoll [6:07 PM]: you're smooth to get a pic but not smooth to get me wet. You will suffer alongside me.
OApoll [6:07 PM]: till next time
OApoll [6:07 PM]: nighty nite
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: babe
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: no
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:07 PM]: ill get u wet
OApoll [6:08 PM]: too late now, I PM drier than a desert.
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: plz hunny
OApoll [6:08 PM]: it's late
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: just 1 more time
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: plz
OApoll [6:08 PM]: my daddy is gonna come it and he'll beat me like he always does.
OApoll [6:08 PM]: I have to go
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: ok hun
OApoll [6:08 PM]: nite
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:08 PM]: u promise ull send tomorrow?
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: ill get ur really wet huny
OApoll [6:09 PM]: we'll see how naughty you are. now bye before my daddy comes in and hits me again like last night.
OApoll [6:09 PM]: ok baby
OApoll [6:09 PM]: nite
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: ill beat ur dads ass he touches u
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: swet drePMs
OApoll [6:09 PM]: thanks
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: uh huh bye babe
OApoll [6:09 PM]: OH NO HE'S COMING!!!!!!
OApoll [6:09 PM]: bye
IVIustangSVT2002 [6:09 PM]: bye
![[Image: BT-vivalaevolucion-gallery-2756.jpg]](http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i242/gonzostyle/BT-vivalaevolucion-gallery-2756.jpg)