12-02-2003, 12:54 AM
Look at this way. You have to assume that the down card is always a 10. and that you will always get 10s dealt to you.
He's got 7 showing; you split 9s. You have two 19s.
He's got 8 showing, you either push or double your chances against an 18
He's got 9 or 10 showing. Think he's got 19 or 20, you don't want to double your bet
He's got A showing (obviously doesn't have black jack),
He's got 7 showing; you split 9s. You have two 19s.
He's got 8 showing, you either push or double your chances against an 18
He's got 9 or 10 showing. Think he's got 19 or 20, you don't want to double your bet
He's got A showing (obviously doesn't have black jack),