01-02-2004, 07:26 AM
Don't worry. This should be really easy considering that this site is probably more under-moderated than over-moderated. But, if shit ever starts getting screwy... IT'S ON!!!
I shall not sit still to be held in a cell of your making.
I shall not suffer your futile attempts to silence my opinions or those of my fellow members.
I will fight your absolute power with great vengeance and furious anger, for I am the lor... oh wait, wrong speech.
In this war of words, my mind shall be my weapon of mass destruction. Now pardon me as I venture off to the library to stock up on ammo.
I shall not sit still to be held in a cell of your making.
I shall not suffer your futile attempts to silence my opinions or those of my fellow members.
I will fight your absolute power with great vengeance and furious anger, for I am the lor... oh wait, wrong speech.
In this war of words, my mind shall be my weapon of mass destruction. Now pardon me as I venture off to the library to stock up on ammo.