04-08-2004, 04:57 AM
Kid Afrika Wrote:Do you really want to take this angle? Remember the noise debauchle(sp?)?i scrolled so much cause of this post :17:
As far as the "it's been like that from Day1" bullshit. You're completely and utterly full of shit. This is just not true.
We started this board with the concept that there would be no set in stone rules. That the members would dictate how the board is run. We did not intend this to mean that people would have sig pics that take up half of the fucking internet. We intended instead to let people govern themselves.
I didn't start this thread. I simply agreed with it and supported the point. I also voluntarily change my sig and status to "lead by example".
I know I can argue any point into the ground. But, you have to admit that you'll take the opposite view just so you don't have to agree with me.
The bottom line, there is no argument for having all of the extraneous shit in everyone's status, sigs, etc.
In the beginning, statuses grew because mods wanted to add poignant phrases and/or statements to them without interfering with what other mods had previously put there. This point is moot today.
It's been a long standing tradition that stems from the rules at oa.com that no signatures should not contain more than one pic, more than 4 lines of text and that sig pics should be less than 500 pixels total dimension when adding width + height. We did not institute this rule when we started this board because we figured that people had accepted the standard.
Well, over time, people have pushed and stretched the limits and now sig pics are just huge.
Again, I'm not saying that we should make rules on sigpics. I'm asking that poeple willing reduce the size of their sig pics for the good of all.
You'll say that I just want it my way, and I'll remind you that I didn't start this thread, I just agree with it.
I'll state again that there is no valid argument for having such long single posts when the actual content of the post is one line.
Finally, this argument is far beyond tired simply because you refuse to accept reason for you choose to be stubborn for the simple reware of being stubborn.
I've dealt with it thus far, and I'll continue to do so. I'll find my content in the fact that I have won this argument by default because you have not offerend any solid evidence or reason to the contrary.
and i never complained about the noise in your sig