07-13-2004, 10:55 AM
I don't understand some public bathrooms. The toilet automatically flushes once you're done, but the sinks don't automatically turn on when you put your hands under the faucet. And vice versa at other places. If the toilet auto flushes, I assume the sink will automatically turn on so I just hold my hands out waiting for the water. Meanwhile someone else turns it on the right way and I end up looking like an idiot.
Whatever happened to Pat Listach?
I have 83 t-shirts, most of which I had in college and some of which I had in high school and earlier.
Call me crazy, but I would much rather spend $7 on a 12-pack and drink alone in the privacy of my own home than spend $3 a drink at a bar and be around people I don't know and don't like.
I was playing single-deck blackjack and got 4 straight aces 4 straight times when I doubled down on 11. And lost all 4 times. What are the odds of that??
I never understood the point of the restaurant scene in Fargo where the Asian guy tells Marge he's in love with her. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything and in no way advances the plot
I'm really getting tired of seeing old people driving convertables. I remember a time (the 80's?) when only hot chicks drove convertables. So naturally that's what I'm expecting when I approach a convertable, only to find some 50-year old dude with a ponytail. Very frustrating.
I had a really bad stomach virus and was shitting and puking nonstop for days. At one point I was on the bowl shitting and had to puke so got up and ran to the sink. Well, doing this caused me to lose control of my ass muscles so I ended up shitting all over the floor while simultaneuosly puking. Though I felt like complete shit, I still realized the hilarity of what had just happened and laughed heartily while continuing to shit and puke.
I was at the hospital with my mom prior to her going in for surgery. The anesthesiologist was briefing us on something important but I wasn't paying any attention because there was a hot chick walking around and I was focused more on her. I didn't even feel bad afterwards, which kind of made me feel bad.
On a similar note, I was in the ER once after a car accident and though I had a severe seatbelt burn on my shoulder, a bloody face and glass still in my hair, I had the presence of mind to acknowledge the fact that my doctor was hot.
Is athlete's foot really as big a problem as these commercials make it out to be?
Queen of the Damned is by far the worst movie I have seen this year.
I've never worn a suit in my life.
Whatever happened to Miles Simon?
I spend more time watching baseball than doing anything else by at least a 10:1 ratio.
Whatever happened to Pat Listach?
I have 83 t-shirts, most of which I had in college and some of which I had in high school and earlier.
Call me crazy, but I would much rather spend $7 on a 12-pack and drink alone in the privacy of my own home than spend $3 a drink at a bar and be around people I don't know and don't like.
I was playing single-deck blackjack and got 4 straight aces 4 straight times when I doubled down on 11. And lost all 4 times. What are the odds of that??
I never understood the point of the restaurant scene in Fargo where the Asian guy tells Marge he's in love with her. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything and in no way advances the plot
I'm really getting tired of seeing old people driving convertables. I remember a time (the 80's?) when only hot chicks drove convertables. So naturally that's what I'm expecting when I approach a convertable, only to find some 50-year old dude with a ponytail. Very frustrating.
I had a really bad stomach virus and was shitting and puking nonstop for days. At one point I was on the bowl shitting and had to puke so got up and ran to the sink. Well, doing this caused me to lose control of my ass muscles so I ended up shitting all over the floor while simultaneuosly puking. Though I felt like complete shit, I still realized the hilarity of what had just happened and laughed heartily while continuing to shit and puke.
I was at the hospital with my mom prior to her going in for surgery. The anesthesiologist was briefing us on something important but I wasn't paying any attention because there was a hot chick walking around and I was focused more on her. I didn't even feel bad afterwards, which kind of made me feel bad.
On a similar note, I was in the ER once after a car accident and though I had a severe seatbelt burn on my shoulder, a bloody face and glass still in my hair, I had the presence of mind to acknowledge the fact that my doctor was hot.
Is athlete's foot really as big a problem as these commercials make it out to be?
Queen of the Damned is by far the worst movie I have seen this year.
I've never worn a suit in my life.
Whatever happened to Miles Simon?
I spend more time watching baseball than doing anything else by at least a 10:1 ratio.