08-11-2004, 09:22 PM
Quote:So I went down to Times Square last weekend (didn't mention this yet) and pampered myself to about 20 bucks worth of DDR Max games, which amounts to roughly 50 levels of dancing enjoyment. I was actually wearing my Red Sox hat not thinking that it was the wisest decision to step into an arcade full of young thugs in New York City with it on. So as I was about to play my first game, Thugonomics 201 (this was obviously their second year in Thugonomics because they looked VERY experienced with the gold teeth and the large gold chains representing with Yankee Jerseys) walked by me acting all bad and saying "the white Sox kid thinks he can play this game." So I decided to play along and pretend like I never played it before. Derek Jeter decided that it would be funny to jump on the machine on the pad next to me and mimic me for a game. I calmly finished the game (which was played in light mode, and I kept screwing up and standing in the middle like it was my first time) and asked if he would stop doing it. He said, "what, you gunna make faggot Red Sox boy?" Keep in mind, I'm 26. Sometimes I look like I'm 20, but I don't get mistaken for a young guy attempting to "trip" with dumb bastards like this. So I said, "look, if you go on a level, and you beat me, I'll leave the arcade. But if you lose, then you leave. Is that cool?"
I know, this all sounds surreal. Bear with me. It gets even MORE surreal. The guy actually said "you got it, white man," and uttered shit like he'll "beat my punk ass all the way back to the rich suburbs of Boston."
Needless to say, he was going to up the stakes by taking it to standard mode. OOOOOOOO, standard mode. Anyway, he gets a pretty good score on Kind Lady (I got to pick the song). His nation of idiots pats him on the back as he gets off the pad, and he turns to me with his gold shiny teeth and says, "beat that, faggot."
No problem, Jeter.
So I get on the pad, stand in the middle of it, looking down at my feet, then I say, "ok, how do you select a song?" I press the down arrow twice, which brought the mode up to heavy mode from standard. His friends laugh and whisper to themselves. I dumbly turn around to them and say, "what," trying to play along with their thoughts that I had no clue what i was doing.
Needless to say, I pulled down a heavy mode "AA" and only got four "greats". The rest were "perfect" and "marvelous." At the end of the song, I had in excess of a 250 combo. In the middle of the song, the asshole tried to trip me yet I kept going.
What surprised me the most was that they lived up to their bargain after I whipped his ass. They left the arcade. They probably ran out of money.