08-11-2004, 10:52 PM
I'm pretty sure this person used to post here...
Quote:Things have been pretty shitty lately. Ive been terribly depressed and everything seems to be going wrong. The few friends i have, I love, but I never get to see anyone anymore. Everyone became way too cool for me.
Listen, my dad is a total deuche bag and has made me so fucking miserable lately. I am going to be 23 years old soon. There is NO fucking reason for him to be waiting up for me, and then throw a shit storm when I wont explain where ive been and why i didnt call. You know what DAD I am an adult, this is my summer break from school. I will stay out till 4 in the morning. I almost always do anyway... why did you pick NOW to throw a fit about it.
Diets are gay. One day I will be hot and then I will laugh. It will make me really happy.
A band is in the works. I cannot wait to sing in a band again.
Reality check. Life is short. YOLO mother fuckers.