03-03-2005, 06:57 PM
Quote:The reason we have a giant deficit isn't because we don't tax people enough, you idiot.
It never ceases to amaze me how you self righteous fucks just read whatever you wish into someone’s opinion. But thank you for clearing that issue up for me. I am now informed. For that I am exhilerated and I eagerly await your future teachings.
In the meantime, let me pull out my crayons and draw a picture for you. Your sarcastic, sniveling I don’t give a fuck what you think hero, inherited a surplus budget. And yes I know, Clinton didn’t do shit but get his cock sucked by fat chicks and smoke cigars (Doesn’t sound like a bad gig to me but what the hell) and that it was Newt and company that really fixed the economy (and all he did was smoke cigars and got his cock sucked by fat boys) but none the less, W inherited a surplus.
With that surplus, W wasted no time just like he did with the State of Texas and a couple of private ventures, he financially managed them right into the fucking ground. Bottom line is we couldn’t afford the tax rebate but he did it anyways. And of course we all were happy because we all got a few hundred bucks in our pocket. Then along came the war. The first one, the “war on terror” was justified. It made sense, it needed to be fought. As many before him, there was no plan on how to pay for it, but we worry about that later. Find and kill bin Laden, overthrow the Taliban, disrupt the terror network. It was needed and it made sense.
But, did we figure out a plan to pay for it? Oh no. We planned a second war. We will call it the continued war on terror. We need to destroy those WMD’s. We need to topple Sadaam. The world will be a better place for it. Oh and by the way, fuck all that other intelligence that suggests there is no threat. Fuck the fact that we have no plan to pay for it because after all, it is an election year and there will be no new taxes. Oh and fuck that fact that we have no plan on how to get the fuck out of there. After all, that will be someone else’s problem a few years down the road. No, forge ahead, fight a war, expand the war to keep the Texas war machine buddies happy and we can worry about paying for it later. Oh and by the way, while I’m doing this we are going to sink trillions into privatizing social security and funding HSA’s similar to what congress has (you know, the one he told his Democratic opponent who recommended it that it wouldn’t work for the American people) by spending even more money that we don’t have.
But you are right, it’s not because we don’t tax people enough. You know us damn Democrats, tax and spend. I suppose we should learn from our conservative friends and their policy, Just fucking spend.
![[Image: 8021515_F_store.jpg]](http://storetn.cafepress.com/5/8021515_F_store.jpg)