03-18-2005, 04:17 PM
Quote:What Happened To KC's $330,000? 08/18/04. 7:30am
KC came in to make a big announcement this morning. He has always been ripped on about gambling because it's for losers. He was playing GoldenPalace.com a little while ago. He was playing a game called ''Let it Ride'' which is a card game. He explained the game and how it works. He was dealt a hand that could have led to a royal flush. He turned over the fourth card and had 4 cards in the same suit. He hit the royal flush and hit a $330,000 payout. It happened a few months ago. He moved to a new apartment that was double what he was paying before. He didn't wait for that check to arrive before he moved though.
KC said there was a second part to this story. He said that he was going to fix the cavities in his teeth and he was going to clear up his debts and stuff. Howard knew the story was going downhill from here. He figures that KC can't quit the job because he probably owes him money. KC said that the cash out is supposed to take four days. Now it turns out that the payout is over time. He gets paid $4000 a week for a year and a half so things were looking good for him and his family. They've never had that kind of money before. He was going to be comfortable for the first time in his life.
KC decided to go back on GoldenPalace.com and dick around a little more. He just wanted to screw around a little bit and play some $100 slot machines and stuff. All of a sudden he realized that he was down $20,000. The money just wasn't real to him at this point. He blew all of that within a day or so. This all took place back in February. Howard wondered how he had time to do all of this stuff. KC said it all happened in the course of a week... and he lost ALL OF IT! $330,000 gone!
Gary said that KC came to him when he had $200,000 left in his account and told him what happened. Gary congratulated him on that and begged him to stop. A couple of weeks later he was complaining about his life and how he was broke. That's when he found out that he'd blown all of that money.
Even Artie was hoping that KC wouldn't blow all of that money but it all went wrong. Howard asked KC how much his father made in his best year. It was probably around $40,000. He could have blown that amount out of the water but he blew it. KC thought that Howard was beating him while he was down. KC said he was uncomfortable being comfortable and that's why he sabotaged himself. He still thinks that the online casino is the way to go if you're going to gamble. KC says that he has stopped gambling since then.
Zolar called in to tell KC what a loser he was for blowing that amount of money. Some other people called in and went off on him as well. That led to the guys talking about how football season is coming up so KC will probably be betting. KC said he really doesn't care about sports now because he's not betting. He knows about football just because he's a football fan. Artie doesn't believe what KC is saying and he thinks that he will eventually bet again. A phone caller told Howard that he won $200,000 in a lawsuit and lived for 4 years on that and still has some leftover.
KC has a great apartment now and it's costing him double the amount his previous one did. Now he has to work every weekend and does every gig he can get. KC said that he couldn't believe how fast that amount of money could disappear. Howard told him that he's really sick. He needs to go to gamblers anonymous. Dominick Barbara called in and said that he should have called him for help when all of this was going on. KC said he had a list of people he was going to help out with this money. He said that he kept a list of people who helped him out when they didn't have to and he wanted to pay them back. Dominick said that he has given up on trying to help KC with his mental problems. KC said that he's not a selfish person and he never had the money in his hand so he couldn't pay him back for the help he gave him.
Tom Chiusano wondered if there was really a deal for KC to pay Dominick back for the help he provided. There was no agreement for him to pay him back as far as anyone knew. Dominick may have just been trying to point out how big of a deal this was that KC blew all of that money. Howard figures that KC must be the worst player ever to have blown all of that money that quick. He told him that this mental illness makes Artie look healthy. Howard believes that he is very ill and proved it with this whole thing. A woman called in and said that she didn't believe a word of this and that it was just a shameless plug for GoldenPalace.com. Howard said he wishes that were the case. Richard Christy called in as the Head Fag from the Playgirl mansion and told KC about a game of Texas Hold 'em that they were playing this weekend. He said that if KC can catch the 10 cowboys in their assless chaps, he can hold 'em.
Gary said the guys in the back were talking about how KC could have bought his own slot machine and filled it with $20,000 and had a party at his place. Scott the Engineer came in and asked if this means that KC is the biggest loser on the show now. Howard said that Scott is still the biggest loser, not KC. That led to the guys talking about the offer Scott had to win $250,000 to receive anal sex. He was going to do it until his family convinced him that it was a bad idea. Howard spent a couple of minutes goofing on him about that before going to commercial