09-29-2005, 01:36 AM
Arpikarhu Wrote:ha ha , i get it, its cause i am older than you. ha ha.It's not really a gag, it's more of pointing out the truth that you are a bitter old man who relies on adjective riddled insulting monikers and the use of polysyllabic words in a mocking and demeaning tone as part of a weak formulaic posting strategy that you have overused and worn out during the duration of your stay here. Such post templates include:
you must be thinking that you are real witty for:
1. using a gag that has been used more times than you have active brain cells
2. using a gag that has been used more than once already in this thread
3. using an old gag in such a weak and unoriginal manner
kudos to you!
stick to nigger and shit jokes. Anything else is more than you can handle.
I. The Enumerated Post
1) Here's where you attempt to make a clear argument for why a poster sucks by simply putting numbers next to sentances.
2) Here's where you say the same thing by using different words.
3) And here's where you do it again.
Here's where you end your post with some more adjectives and offer advice that is neither useful nor funny.
II. The Serious Post
Here's where you pretend to start a topic that requires serious debate.
III. The Idiot Post
Usually is the next post to come in sequence to The Serious Post, in which you completely break with the serious topic, and call the first poster to respond an idiot.
IV. The Defense Post
Here's where you defend yourself by claiming your complete superiority to everyone on the board.
V. The Buddy Post.
Here's where you take the time out of your busy schedule to actually compliment a poster on his response, while maintaining this is a very unusual occurance, coming from an old curmudgeon like you.
IV. The Genius Post
Here's where you showcase just how incredible of a personality you are, by starting a discussion about some tiny unimportant part of popular culture, and asserting that anyone who does not see the brilliance in said piece of pop culture is a moron and should die a slow death of being pelted by polysyllabic insulting adjectives.
Edited By The Jays on 1127957977