02-27-2003, 06:24 AM
Quote:Mousers don't shed much...also LZ you've got an iradessent shark...those are my favorites...too bad they all died from that pH thing...cool tank though...I'm better with fish now...I've just had a bad history...yeah my 2 irridescent sharks are cool...i've had them since i bought the tank in the beginning of last year.
2 tired you sound like my wife...she has no luck with aquariums so i get the responsibility of taking care of it.
these are calicos......
![[Image: patch.jpg]](http://www.thecalicogirls.com/patch.jpg)
![[Image: mit.jpg]](http://www.thecalicogirls.com/mit.jpg)
![[Image: calico.jpg]](http://home.earthlink.net/~stuv/calico.jpg)
i'm not sure the exact meaning of the word but as you can see they're sort of patchy....not 1 solid color....more of a mix.